The World of Indie Part 1: A little about Indie
What's Indie?
Indie is a category in the world of gaming (also in the music world), but what kind of category? What kind of game do we think of when...
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Speculations
I hate making a new thread, but this is only about speculations about the game, while the one in the News section is for news and smaller discussions than...
You know you’re a social justice warrior when…
You know everything.
You affiliate yourself with a group of attention seeking unemployed school dropouts.
You brush with fluoride toothpaste.
You believe everything mainstream media tells you.
Does Gaming Kill?
Do you think that gaming is causing more violence? More and more violent games are been sold now and some like grand theft auto really do advertise violence. Do...
Chemtrails And Weather Manipulation
Breathe in(hmmm)...breathe out(ahhh)...
Air, the final frontier.
I went for a run the other day and couldn't help but notice that the sky was filled with "clouds." I thought to myself,...
The best gifts a woman could give a man
If you are a woman and undecided about what to give your man during his birthday, valentines day, christmas, or any day really, then hopefully the below list of...
Two Ancient Protection Dog Breeds Highlighted
Owning a dog can be a rewarding experience. Dogs are apart of ones family. They share with us, during our days of happiness as well as our days of...
Mgtow is a way of life, not a state of mind
Mgtow, also known as Men Going Their Own Way is when a guy chooses to stop entertaining women, stop providing for women, and to stop interacting with women in...
Business Systems Arn’t Just For Millionaires
When I mention business systems to you, what comes to mind? Do you think of an IBM mainframe computer sitting in a big room in the middle of...
Complete, Unedited Video of Joint FBI and OSP Operation 01/26/2016
Complete, Unedited Video of Joint FBI and OSP Operation 01/26/2016
LaVoy Finicum
Federal Burea of Investigation
Oregon State Police
Oregon Standoff
Burns Oregon
Wildlife Refuge
Deceleration of Independence
Historic Militia Movement
Freedom Fighters
Oregon Malheur Refuge
Oppression Through Intimidation
Breaking News...