- You earn more money than if you were poor.
- You get to associate with other rich people.
- There’s no need to associate with poor people.
- You can buy anything you want.
- You can live anywhere you want.
- Most people buy homes, but you sell homes.
- While social justice warriors brag about being educated, you brag about being intelligent.
- You don’t have to worry about price fluctuations at the grocery store.
- You don’t have to coupon shop. You just go to the store and buy what you want or you shop online.
- While most people analyze the prices at the grocery market, you analyze the prices at the stock market.
- Most people buy material things while you buy stocks, bonds, and treasury notes.
- Most people think you can only do two things with money, save money and spend money. But you do something else. You invest money.
- Most people have one home. But you have multiple homes.
- While religious nuts tithe ten percent of their income and give it to pastors, popes, and catholic nuns, you invest your ten percent into the stock market.
- While some people brag about working at a company, you buy companies.
- While most people work for others, others work for you.
- While most people have one computer monitor for their computer, you have multiple computer monitors for your computer.
- While most people have one income stream, you have multiple income streams.
- Most people buy books, but you sell books.
- While religious nuts go to church and pay their pastor to tell them what they want to hear, you attend business webinars and marketing courses to succeed in life.
- While most people have to rely on vacation time to get paid while they are on vacation, you get paid dividends whether you are on vacation or not.
- While most people buy clothes, you buy suits.
- While most people live paycheck to paycheck you live dividend to dividend.
- While social justice warriors carry a cellphone in their hand, you carry a book in your hand.
- While most people live the married and broke life, you live the single and rich life.
- Most people have kids, but you have a dog.
- While most people live off of government subsidies, you live off of dividends.
- While self entitled young adults are posting selfies on facebook, you are sitting on your recliner reading a book.
- While most people have to request vacation days from a boss, you’ve been on vacation for years.
- While most people have to rely on sick time to get paid while they are at home and sick, you get paid dividends whether you are sick or not.
- Some people spend money, some people save money, but you invest money.
- Each morning social justice warriors grab their cellphone and beg for likes on facebook, while you grab a coffee and analyze the stock market.
- Most people have a resume about their previous and current employment history, but you have a portfolio of your various business endeavors.
- While most people work at least one business, you own at least one business.
- While most people have to work to support their family their entire lives, you only have to support yourself.