With wars and rumors of wars spreading across the globe and around the world, some world powers are beginning to demand a stop to the violence. Such as the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia has continued to threaten the stability of the region unless western forces back down. Vladimir Putin, Russia’s current president has even threatened to use tactical nukes. Now, one of NATO’s (North Atlantic Treaty Organization – April 4th, 1949) Supreme Commanders is countering those threats by sending in mass amounts of Allied troops, vehicles, and equipment in various war game exercises. NATO’s membership certainly outweighs any force on the planet, however that is not to say, war will not happen. Currently Russia is negotiating pact agreements with China and North Korea. North Korea has recently declared their new intercontinental ballistic missile systems are trans ocean ready. China has repeatedly threatened the stability of the pacific theater. If an all out war does occur, will NATO and her Allied membership put a quick but devastatingly heavy blow to the Axis powers? This question reminds me of a quote from a speech that Ronald Reagan gave during the 1964 United States presidential elections…

A Time For Choosing, October 27th, 1964

If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand — the ultimatum. And what then…

Discussion Topic: Will NATO Attack Russia?

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