1. You know everything.
  2. You affiliate yourself with a group of attention seeking unemployed school dropouts.
  3. You brush with fluoride toothpaste.
  4. You believe everything mainstream media tells you.
  5. You support a political party.
  6. You think the baby’s body is the mother’s body wherein reality the bodies are two separate individual bodies.
  7. You carry a cellphone.
  8. You post selfies on social media.
  9. You claim to be intelligent wherein reality you are only educated. And you are only educated due to being able to remember and regurgitate the ideas that fail to challenge your preconceived beliefs.
  10. You value a college degree… You know, so you can prove that you’ve been educated.
  11. You beg for likes on social media to help ease your emotional instability.
  12. You’re more attached to your cellphone than your own shadow.
  13. You’re a young adult and know everything.
  14. You know more than people older than you and who’ve had more life experience than you.
  15. To help prove your point that you have still failed to state, you say that you’ve “been around the block a few times.”
  16. Rather than being a reincarnated regular hard working person, you are either a reincarnated witch or a reincarnated queen.
  17. Any idea that challenges your preconceived beliefs is ridiculous.
  18. You claim to own your own business wherein reality you have been suckered into joining an MLM cult…. lol, sucker!
  19. To help win an argument against someone on Facebook, you block the other person.
  20. You sleep with your fellow students at bible school and practice the laying on of hands, you know, to help glorify the kingdom of god. Amen Ra!
  21. The best way to deal with ideas that challenge your preconceived beliefs is to ignore them rather than coming to terms with the fact that your entire life all you did was believe ideas that aligned with your preconceived beliefs.
  22. You promote your religion and try to recruit other suckers such as yourself into joining your religion due to your inability to leave the religion that you where suckered into joining yourself.
  23. You got married at a young age due to your incompetence.
  24. You live life in the fast lane.
  25. You have a god annoying laugh. I mean, really. Be quiet for god’s sake!
  26. Your old and senile and have been kicked out of more nursing homes than a catholic priest.
  27. You socialize at work in order to get promoted since you have no chance of getting promoted due to your incompetent work ethics.
  28. You believe everything you hear and see on TV. Because, you’re educated.
  29. You brag about driving the new car that your parents bought for you, since you’ve never been financially prepared to buy one yourself.
  30. You think that getting your driver’s license puts you on top of the world wherein reality now you are just another tax paying slave to the system forced to obey the laws of the land set forth by the pharaoh you voted for. Vote, follow, pay, obey. Vote, follow, pay, obey. Vote, follow, pay, obey.
  31. You laugh at new ideas posted on Facebook that challenge your preconceived beliefs.

Before we go I’ll leave you with these final words of wisdom for all of you religious nuts reading this.

Remember, out of all the gods of course yours is the correct one.


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