The modern day feminist thinks that a male is only an alpha male if he is married to a woman; however, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Only a single male is an alpha male. Any other male is simply a beta male. A male doesn’t have to be married to a woman in order to be a beta male. Just by purposely interacting with a woman in any way or being in any type of relationship makes a male a beta male. So men, if you think you are an alpha male just because you are not married to a woman but you still interact with women on a daily basis in even the most subtle way, then you are still a beta male. Stop talking to women. Stop providing for women. Stop holding the door for women. Stop interacting with women in any way. Remember, according to their own words they are strong and independent. Well if that is true, then let them prove that by them living alone (no cats either, ladies) and starting a business by themselves and becoming a multi millionaire without any type of help or guidance from a guy.

The modern day woman thinks that if a guy avoids women then he must be into other guys. Just because a guy would never want to interlope with a woman doesn’t mean that guy is into other guys. It just means that guy wants to succeed in life. I mean think about. We never hear of a guy who has unfortunately married a woman and has been unlucky enough to have kids, start his own business and become a multi millionaire. That is the type of guy who works the rest of his life to financially provide for his lazy wife. Once he realizes that his wife only “loves him” depending on how much he provides for her it is to late for him. The moment he stops providing for his lazy wife is the moment she stops “loving him” and divorces him, collects half his estate, makes him pay child support for the rest of his life, and then marries his best friend that she’s been having an affair with the past six months behind his back. Not because she is too lazy to get a job and too deceitful not to have affairs with your friends, but because according to her, her feelings are hurt and, and… she is feeling overwhelmed. Which entitles her to half your pay check for the rest of your life. Alimony is a woman’s best friend.

My fellow men, never trust anything any woman ever says. Ever. Her way of not admitting that she is lazy is by her saying that she wants to be a stay at home mom. What that really means is that she is too lazy to get a job, she wants to have affairs with your friends, and she wants you to work all day at a secular job because there’s good shows on tv.

Men, there is only one way for you to succeed in life. And that is this…

Just tell women, “No!”

Good luck men.


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