If we go outside and look around, everything we see was built by men. Nothing we see was built by only women. There is no building, business, or infrastructure that was only built and ran by women. Take construction crews for example. There is no such thing as an all woman construction crew. Now there might be a woman or two who are a part of a male construction crew, but the women are usually inside of the office trailer sitting on the chair eating doughnuts and watching tv. The reason being, women cannot do anything without the aide from men in some capacity. Society itself was built by men and the infrastructure that allows society to function was built by men. Women on the other hand were busy standing in line at the can return with their flock of cats. All women are lazy. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about your great grandmother, grandmother, mother, wife, sister, daughter, niece, or cousin. Every single woman is lazy. That is just the way females are. Women are born lazy. It is impossible for there to be a hard working successful female without some sort of male intervention.

“But women are strong and independent.”

Well, since women don’t want to admit that this world was built by men, let’s have a look at the difference between male entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs.

Male Entrepreneurs

Men think logically. Men use logical deduction of reasoning when thinking through an idea. Also known as pondering an original thought. Something unheard of in female land.

Men use their decision making process based off of logic. Men don’t let their personal feelings take priority over their thought process. It’s impossible for a guy to use his decision making process based off of his current emotions. For women on the other hand, that is the only option possible for them.

Men are willing to spend money to make money. For example a guy who owns his own lawn care business will consider buying new equipment as his business flourishes. Or a professional male blogger might consider buying a premium WordPress theme as his blog gains more traffic.

Men are willing to invest into their business to make their business more profitable which in turn will make them profitable; whereas women just want to invest into another ridiculous hairstyle. I mean seriously, have you seen women’s hairstyles lately? Talk about living the frazzled life, lol.

Men tend to reward their employees who go above and beyond their job duties. Such as giving out pay raises and financial bonuses. Women on the other hand only reward themselves. Let’s say a female retail manager is in charge of a clothing department and the clothing department has increased in sales year over year thanks to the department employees hard work. The female’s boss then gives her a pay bonus. Rather than sharing that pay bonus with the employees who actually do work in the department and help boost their morale, the female would much rather spend that money on those new stretch pants she’s been wanting ever since her current pants have started to shrink for some inexplicable reason.

Female Entrepreneurs

Women want to have fun. Women don’t want to work. They just want to have fun. A woman’s life long passion is to retire from work on government subsidies and child support and take a life long vacation. Rather than working hard and contributing to a 401K and her social security, she would much rather travel the world and meet beta males who are willing to throw in the towel and provide for a lazy woman the rest of their miserable life.

Women want to do the least amount of work and reap the same amount of benefits as men who do the full amount of work. As men, we have no problem starting from the bottom and working our way to the top. In order so we can learn every part of that particular business. Men enjoy learning everything there is to know about how a company functions by first hand experience. Women on the other hand want to start off as the CEO right away. Just so she can sit in a leather chair and pick her nose all day. A woman would much rather be a corporate executive like the spoiled princess that she is just so she can flirt with the lower level beta male executives bending over backwards for her.

Women want to be a boss so they can feel special. Because even though women are “strong and independent” they still require feelings to operate. Sounds like spoiled princesses to me.

Women use their decision making process based off of their current emotions. A woman be all, “Whaaa… Whaaa… Look at me, I’m a lazy woman and I pick my nose all day. All I ask is for men to do favors for me for my entire life. Whaaa… Whaaa…” Lolololololol…

Women want to tell others what to do since they’re too lazy to do it themselves. Let’s say a woman is standing in a check out line at the grocery store. She is reading the pictures of a magazine when she drops the magazine onto the floor due to her frazzled dexterity. I mean when the magazine slipped out of her grip, the magazine should of just stayed up in the air without her holding it. Because after all, she’s a princess. And like beta males, the laws of physics should bend over backwards for her. Once she purposely drops the magazine onto the floor, she brushes back her ridiculous hair revealing her laziness and looks around for any beta males waiting for a chance to pick up the magazine for her.

When a woman is a retail manager all she wants to do is sit on a chair in the office and pick her nose all day. Now that’s a hard working woman right there. I mean a woman as strong and independent like that could qualify to be a politician.

Instead of starting from the bottom and working their way to the top, women want to start at the top and go even higher. I mean why should she have to perform any laborious job functions with the hard working men when she could simply interview for an executive position right away.

Since all women are born princesses, they think that once they become a manager that suddenly makes them a queen. What they don’t realize is that they’re not royalty. They’re lazy. That’s why God invented government subsidies for them.

Final words

For the religious nuts out there, let’s get biblical for a moment. God is a guy, God’s only begotten child is a guy, Lucifer is a guy, the first created man was a guy, the first two children born were guys, and Jesus’ twelve disciples were guys. All of the U.S. presidents were guys, Buddha was a guy, Mohammad was a guy, and the world’s great leaders were guys. There is only one conclusion we can draw from this. This world was built and ran by men.


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Disclosure: I am a stock market investor. I invest in the stock market for passive income and cash flow. Disclaimer: I am not a stock market professional. The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not financial advice. Always seek professional help when choosing to invest into the stock market. I am not a financial expert. The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not financial advice. Always seek professional help when seeking financial advice. I am not a health, nutrition, or fitness professional. The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not health, nutrition, or fitness advice. Always seek professional help with someone who is certified in health, nutrition, and fitness. I am not a legal expert. I am not a legal advisor. The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not legal advise. Always seek professional help with a certified legal expert. I am not a political expert. I am not a political advisor. The information presented on EclypticStudios.com is not political advise. Always seek professional help with a certified political expert.