Women are incapable of providing for themselves.

The modern woman is raised from the moment she is born to be a princess. Women are raised with the notion that they are somehow superior to men even though men are more successful in every area in life than women. Women are raised by inexperienced young adults with the notion that since they are women then they are entitled to anything they want. Women are taught from a young age to seek a provider rather than providing for themselves. Women don’t want a husband, they want a provider. Women don’t want to be a wife, they want to get married. Their husband along with the handy man and store clerk she’s having affairs with are nothing more than providers for her. Women are born to be natural beggars, unlike men who are born to be natural leaders.

While successful single men create cd ladders, women create provider ladders. Each of the woman’s providers are like steps on a ladder. The ladder is life itself while the top of the ladder is what every woman strives for. And each step helps the woman climb to the top. The woman doesn’t get to the top by her own self doing, but rather through the hardships of men providing for her a way towards the top. And once the woman reaches the top, she’ll claim all of the praise that the men who provided for her should be claiming. Why? Because it’s all because of her of course. Women will even create a new provider ladder with all new providers to help her climb even higher in life until she reaches a status to where she claims how successful she is without mentioning that the only way she became rich and powerful is through the providing by men her entire miserable life. Women want all the credit and respect that a successful man has earned without having to do the work he had too, to achieve that success. Women don’t want to work. All women want to do in life is sit back and enjoy the ride.

Women are lazy.

Speaking about women’s inability to provide for themselves. Women don’t even hide the fact that they are lazy. They literally drag their feet when they walk. I mean women are so lazy they don’t even take the effort to bend their knees and lift their feet off the ground when they walk. They just slide their house slipper wearing feet across the ground like the good lazies that they are. Women are so lazy their entire wardrobe consists of pajamas. Don’t believe me? Go to your local grocery store or just look outside. Most of the women are wearing pajamas while the other women are wearing god knows what it’s called. Women, do you want to know why you are unattractive and not sought after by all the good men? Not only are you unpleasant to look at, but you be lazier than the food stamp ladened dumpster people.

Women’s laziness can be found anywhere. Take for instance a checkout line at the grocery store. A woman will fumble around for her food stamp card in the purse her family’s handy man secretly bought for her only to purposely drop the food stamp card on the ground. She’ll then look around with her unwashed pimple ladened emotionally distressed face like “omg, I dropped my government bailout card. What ever do I do?” And then like clock work, all of these simple minded men will appear out of no where from around the checkstand, aisles, and ceiling rafters and rush to her aide. The woman then looks around with a cynical smile on her unattractive face at all of the new possible providers kneeling down in front of her that she has available to choose from once she divorces her husband, takes half of his estate, and drains him of his finances by collecting child support payments.

Women lack critical thinking skills.

Women are quite literally incapable of logical thought. They make decisions based off of their current emotions rather than using the logical process of deduction of reasoning. And when they get called out on their lack of even the most simple of thought process they unleash their social justice warrior memes. When a minmalistic situation arises that requires even the most basic of critical thinking, a woman will first look around to see if their are any simple minded men to provide for her. If there are no men nearby, then she will only attempt to solve the situation using her current set of emotions. This is why most ceo’s and business owners are men. Because men are naturally born with an analytical mind set. The only way a woman can achieve ceo status or business owner is if she sleeps her way to the top. Corporate america is built by men and ruined by women.

Facts are facts. And the fact is that there are more successful men than there are successful women.


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