How-To Save Money in Your Home: Turn Off Unused Electronics

When I am not writing books, or being entertained by some sort of technology such as the television, social networks, video games, radio, or internet (just to name a few), I find myself always moving from one room to another. That could be anything from cleaning the individual rooms, or getting up from the sofa and walking into the kitchen to get a snack, or to feed the dogs. I have developed the habit of turning off the television, lights, and ceiling fan whenever I switch rooms.

One would have to admit, there is no sense in leaving these devices on if no one is in the room to utilize them. Ask yourself this, how does having a light on in another room that no one is using of any benefit? If anything, it is a waste of energy and electricity, which translates into additional electricity being wasted and a higher electric bill on your utility statement. Why pay for excess electricity to power an electronic device or appliance that is not being used by anyone in the home?

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