How to Save Money every month: Stop Smoking Cigarettes

As for smoking cigarettes and cigars, purchasing packs of these addicting smokes can quickly add up. Some packs of cigarettes and cigars can cost more than a pack of alcohol or more than a gallon of gasoline for your vehicle. Bad habits aside, there is nothing good that comes out of purchasing and smoking cigarettes and cigars. Would you rather purchase a pack of cigarettes or a toy for your child? Some people are able to quit cold turkey which simply means smoking your last cigarette or cigar and never smoking another one ever again. The temptation will always be there, so you will have to always think ahead and ask yourself what would happen if I pick up this destructive hobby again. Try and find a good method of cutting this addicting and expensive hobby out of your life and you will begin to save more money and live a healthier life than you thought you could have any other way.

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