How to Save Money on Gas

You could always just stop driving to begin with, however if you must drive a vehicle, then this tip will go along with any vehicle that relies on gasoline to power its engine. Regardless of the size of the vehicle, when the vehicles’ gasoline tank is almost on empty, one of the check engine lights should illuminate on the dash somewhere, alerting the driver that the vehicles’ gasoline tank needs to be refueled.

Imagine if you would, that you fill your vehicle up whenever it reaches half a tank. Now imagine that you fill your same vehicle up whenever it reaches a quarter tank of fuel remaining. You are making twice as many trips to the gas station and your vehicle is burning twice as much gasoline if you are driving to and refueling at the gasoline station when the gasoline tank reaches the halfway point, versus if you are refueling the gasoline tank when it reaches nearly a quarter of gasoline remaining in the fuel tank. If you must fill up your gasoline tank more often than need be, then simply driving less often or taking a public transit system and even riding a bike will help to save you more money each month.

And here is another quick little tip, you see that arrow on your fuel gauge on your vehicle’s dashboard…that arrow is pointing to the side which your vehicle’s gas tank door is located to better help you to pull to the correct side of a fill up station.