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The Moon’s terminator line contradicts the Copernican Theory

The Moon's terminator line contradicts the Copernican Theory According to Heliocentric Cosmology, the lunar terminator is the boundary dividing the sunlit portion of the moon and the unlit portion of...

The lack of intermediary moon phases contradicts the Copernican Theory

The lack of intermediary moon phases contradicts the Copernican Theory According to Heliocentric Cosmology, the moon goes through seven or eight lunar phases...depending on whether or not you count the...

Sunlight and daylight are two different lights

Sunlight and daylight are two different lights As the sun circles above our flat plane, its electromagnetic nature charges the air within its magnetic field influence. This influence that the...

Six scientific experiments every Flat Earther should be doing

Six scientific experiments every Flat Earther should be doing After you have come to the realization that... - The horizon always rises to your eye level the higher up in altitude...

How to break away from predictive programming and be a self-thinking human in ten...

How to break away from predictive programming and be a self-thinking human in ten easy steps 1. Stop eating fast food & cut out all sugar and as much meat...

Has modern day book burning officially begun?

Has modern day book burning officially begun? So I was browsing the earth.nullschool.net web app and noticed that their Azimuthal Equidistant map projection (AE) conveniently shows a globe instead of...

Lights in the Skies and the Power of Observation – Something I’ve Noticed

Lights in the Skies and the Power of Observation - Something I've Noticed I have been looking up at the night time skies for many years and have witnessed all...

Did God create the Earth before or after the heavens?

Did God create the Earth before or after the heavens? To all you "6,000 year old creationists" out there... Besides regurgitating what your banker tells you each Sunday morning, how old...

The Top 10 health foods the government doesn’t want you to know about

The Top 10 health foods the government doesn't want you to know about Honey Coconut oil Black seed oil Distilled Water Apple cider vinegar Cinnamon Herbal tea Lemon juice All types of spices including Cayenne pepper, cumin, and...

The Top 10 Reasons why the Earth couldn’t possibly be flat – Part Two

The Top 10 Reasons why the Earth couldn't possibly be flat - Part Two 1. Because the Flat Earth Theory means that many top name pastor's of well established church's...

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