How to break away from predictive programming and be a self-thinking human in ten easy steps
1. Stop eating fast food & cut out all sugar and as much meat as you can from your diet.
2. Eat only organic and non-gmo foods.
3. Eat only foods that you grow and cook yourself (Such as fruit trees, vegetable gardens, and chicken eggs).
4. Stop brushing with fluoride toothpaste (Use baking soda instead).
5. Stop listening to music with lyrics (Instead listen to instrumental music such as classical and the solfeggio tones).
6. Stop watching tv (also known in the truth community as a tell-lie-vision).
7. Stop listening to the radio.
8. Limit your online social networking durations.
9. Sell all of your vehicles and ride bicycles instead.
10. Meditate before you sleep.
*The above list of health foods has not been approved by the FDA because the FDA is full of $hit