Did God create the Earth before or after the heavens?

To all you “6,000 year old creationists” out there…

Besides regurgitating what your banker tells you each Sunday morning, how old do you think the Earth is?

6,000 years old?
4.5 billion years old?

Why on God’s green flat earth would we think that the Earth had to of been created after he created the heavens?

Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

Last I read, Genesis 1:1 did not say…

“In the beginning God created the heavens and THEN the earth.”

Where in the KJV does it say that God created the Earth AFTER he created the heavens?

Why couldn’t God create the Earth during or even…are you ready for this…BEFORE the heavens?

Hold the leavened bread for a minute and think and ponder your own thoughts.

What…God couldn’t multitask when he was creating things?

Does God create things in maturity or doesn’t he?

As far as I am concerned…the Earth is closer to infinite than we suppose.

Things that make you go, “Hmmm…”

*All Scripture is taken from the King James Version(KJV) of the Bible

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