The Moon’s terminator line contradicts the Copernican Theory
According to Heliocentric Cosmology, the lunar terminator is the boundary dividing the sunlit portion of the moon and the unlit portion of the moon causing a solar twilight on the lunar surface. The lunar terminator travels along the lunar surface per the rotational speed of the moon around its axis and its orbital period around the Earth.
Termed the Terminator Illusion, an observer on the ground is able to view the unlit portion of the lunar surface facing the sun’s directional light. Conversely an observer on the ground is also able to view the lit portion of the lunar surface facing away from the sun’s directional light. Both of which contradicts the globe model in its entirety. This “Terminator Illusion” is no illusion at all due to the fact that this celestial phenomenon is readily viewable to the naked eye.
Modern science tells us that the sun travels roughly seven times faster than the speed of the moon across the sky, in which case the lunar terminator should have a noticeable change throughout the day as the sun travels past the moon rather than staying fixed in one position on the lunar surface.
Disregarding what classical astronomy has taught us over the past 500 years, physical observations of the moon’s terminator not coinciding with the sun’s directional light during daytime lends credence to an even higher possibility that we live in a geocentric creation.