Indominus Rex vs Spinosaurus
Jurassic World releases to theaters June 12th and speculations are running rampant about which dinosaurs will be in the first movie and which dinosaurs will be fighting. The big...
Forum Posts, Topics, and Polls Explained
Forums, also known as Message Boards or Messageboards, are online discussion platforms that use a commenting software system where as members who are logged in, and sometimes even guests...
Hide Content from Guests?
Hide Content from Guests?
Should a website owner hide content from guests?
This question has been popping up more and more in conversations so I have decided to address the issue....
What are Forum Avatars?
Forum Avatars are small images in a users' profile. Avatars are usually shown throughout the forum, such as in both the full profile page, index page, and post bit...
When to Hire a Staff Member
Searching for someone to hire to join your staff team at your personal forum can be an extremely daunting task. You have certain criteria that you set for your...
Private Messages Explained
Most online Message Boards, also known as "Forums" have a feature what is commonly referred to as a "Private Message." A private message is no different than another type...
Will Smart Watches Overthrow Smart Phones?
Smart watches have become more and more popular with the advent of new releases in the past few years. Many of these smart watches allow the user to count...
Two Ancient Protection Dog Breeds Highlighted
Owning a dog can be a rewarding experience. Dogs are apart of ones family. They share with us, during our days of happiness as well as our days of...
Types of Minecraft Professions
Minecraft is becoming a more and more popular game. And since Microsoft has purchased it from Majong, the future has become even brighter for this classic sandbox game. Having...
Fantastic Four (Trailers 1 & 2)
Fantastic Four releases in theaters August 7th, 2015.