Minecraft is becoming a more and more popular game. And since Microsoft has purchased it from Majong, the future has become even brighter for this classic sandbox game. Having what seems like an infinite number of various play styles, we have briefly highlighted five of the most popular, various roleplaying professions that your character can become. There are all sorts of various play styles that can suite a variety of gamers, here are a few of them…

FARMER – As a Farmer, you are going to want to have an abundance of vegetables and plants to trade at the local village. Make sure to have a proper irrigation system, even having a terrace system on the side of a nearby mountain, can help your crops yield a higher amount of eatables. Near your dwelling area you may want to have a green house to continue to grow crops during the harsher winter season.

FISHERMAN – As a Fisherman, you are going to want to have at least one boat, or a fleet of boats depending on where the best fishing spots are. Always be sure to carry a number of fishing reels with you in case you break one due to an over size fish, or if you drop one in a deep lake. Speaking of lakes, you may want to hone your fishing skills in the polar regions by doing a little ice fishing.

HUNTER – As a Hunter, you are going to want to carry an extra supply of leather armor and and extra set of arrows for when you stumble upon a pack of wild wolves. Take a tracking dog with you to help you track nearby animals. Maybe have a perch up in a tree near a migration trail in the forest.

LIBRARIAN – As a Librarian, you are going to want to have a multilevel building to use as your library, helping you stay dedicated to your studies. When you are finished with a book, maybe find some more or even trade book for book at the local village library.

WIZARD – As a Wizard, you are going to want to build a wizard’s tower high in the mountains, away from the witches and enderman who dwell and wait for you, in the valley’s bellow. Make sure to carry an extra supply of potions with you. Having a mule or donkey with you could free up some of your inventory space and make your travels a little easier.

Which ever roleplaying profession you choose, be sure to let us know in our discussion topic on the Forums.

Discussion Topic: Types of Minecraft Professions

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