There are a variety of ways you can make money from home. One such way you can make money from home is by writing blog articles as a full time career. You can write blog articles from the comfort of your own home and with the device of your choice such as a computer, tablet, or mobile phone; however, I like to utilize all three devices depending on the mood I am in. For instance if I feel like going to the office then I’ll use my computer to write a blog article. If I am feeling lazy then I will write a blog article using my tablet while on my recliner, and if I am on the go then using my mobile phone comes in handy. Regardless of the device that you choose to write blog articles with, by utilizing a consistent publishing schedule with articles covering trendy topics means you will own a high traffic blog potentially earning you a decent passive income stream.

One of the greatest joys a human being can experience is by being self employed. A joy not mentioned by managers to their employees in the secular workplace. By choosing to not be a part of the secular workforce means you are now in charge of your own paycheck and are less reliant on a money greedy corporation to supply your basic needs of survival. And once you are in charge of your own paycheck the greater the freedom you will experience in all areas of life. Without having to rely on a paycheck from the secular workforce you will be happier, your mind will be clearer, and you will actually want to go out and do things. By choosing to work from home you will have more time to research and experiment with other passive income streams while having more time to spend with your family.

More time to analyze the stock market

Whether you trade stocks as a hobby or for a living, if you blog full time and you also invest in the stock market then you get more time to analyze the stocks that you want to invest in. Since you are not working for someone else anymore you are afforded more time to think and now have better decision making skills when trading stocks. You are no longer rushed and pressured into trading stocks only during your days off nor are you rushed in the mornings to buy stocks before you are late for work or before the trading period ends. When you work from home you have the time and the freedom to trade stocks on your schedule and not on the schedule dictated to you by a secular company. If you blog for a living you can even use the funds generated from your ad revenue to help you purchase even more shares of high quality companies. The passive income generated by your ads allows you to purchase shares of dividend paying stocks. But not just any dividend paying stocks, but rather high quality dividend growth stocks such as the S&P 500 blue chip companies that increase their dividend on a consistent basis.

An excellent way to improve your writing style

Another benefit of blogging full time means that you are constantly improving your writing style. Publishing blog articles on a consistent basis is an excellent way to improve both grammar and sentence structure. Your utilization of sticking with a consistent publishing schedule and striving to improve your writing style could be a prelude to you writing a book in the future. Even if you have no plans to write a book you can always combine your blog posts into a book. That way not only will you earn passive income through your ad revenue but also through your book sales. And if you also trade stocks like I do then that gives you three passive income streams right there. But why stop there?

Let’s say you own a blog about dogs and that blog has three categories on it, (Dog Hygiene, Dog Diet, Dog Socialization). You could combine the blog posts in each of those three categories into three separate ebooks and list each for $2.99 on KDP. You could then combine those three books into a single large ebook and sell it for a price of $5.98. That’s four books right there. And all because you publish blog articles. But why stop there? You could then turn those four books into print editions and audio books. Imagine, you could be a published author like Stephen King and William Faulkner just because you write blog posts. And hey you never know, you may even want to give blogging a rest and only write books for a living while your blog continues to generate residual ad revenue in the background. Which ever passive income stream you decide on the sky is the limit; however, only if you choose to work from home.

Promote your own products

Since you are blogging for a living that means you have your own website. And by owning a website means that you can use your website as a platform to promote your own products such as your newsletter, kindle ebooks, and online courses. For example if you have an Amazon FBA account or Amazon Merch account you can not only promote your own products on your website but you can also sell your own products. Let’s say on Amazon you charge customers $19.99 for one of your hats. You can then sell that hat on your website for $14.99 if the customer also subscribes to your newsletter. It’s a win win scenario. The customer wins by saving $5 purchasing the hat on your website while you win by acquiring another newsletter subscriber.

Promote yourself

You can use your website as a platform to promote yourself. Your own personal website is a valuable tool to have in your self employment disposal. Especially for self employed freelancers who specialize in contracted projects. You could show off your own portfolio online for the world to be envy of while highlighting your previous and future projects to help lure freelance recruitment officers to hire you for a new project. You never know you might even get contracted to design promotional artwork for an upcoming movie or maybe help to upgrade an SQL database for a Fortune 500 company. Imagine what your portfolio would like to freelance recruitment officers when they see projects like those under your belt.

Even if you have no plans of doing any freelance work you could still use your website as a platform to create your online portfolio. You could set up analytics on the various projects you’ve worked on throughout your portfolio’s pages to help analyze the trending projects that receive higher traffic to determine which projects of yours your website’s traffic is most interested in. That way you could focus on the types of projects with trending views when working on similar and more profitable projects in the future.

Earn passive income through affiliate marketing

You can use your website as a platform for affiliate marketing to help boost your passive income. You do this by applying as an affiliate with a company such as Amazon or HostGator for example. Then you use the affiliate code they give you to direct your customers or website traffic who are interested in that product through your link. So when they make a purchase you get paid a commission. Commission income through affiliate marketing may not be the highest form of earned income; however, at the end of the day passive income is passive income regardless of how it is made. And over time those commissions can add up.

For example let’s say you wrote a blog post reviewing a product. If you are an affiliate with Amazon you could place that affiliate link somewhere in your blog article. That way if one of your readers makes a purchase through that link you get paid a commission. Even online brokers such as M1 Finance and Robinhood have similar affiliate programs; however, those types of programs are more like referral programs where if someone signs up and funds their own portfolio for example you could get a single share of a stock or possibly even a commission which you could then spend on stocks in your own stock portfolio. You would have to read up on how their own affiliate programs and referral programs work as not all affiliate programs and referral programs are the same.

After you apply and get accepted to participate in an affiliate or referral program then you have to decide where to place that affiliate code on your website. Never fear; however, as there are numerous areas on your website where affiliate codes can be placed. Affiliate codes are best placed either directly in the content or immediately beneath your blog post relating to that particular item or even in your website’s header or footer area. Placing affiliate codes in side bars or even smart side bars which follow the user as they browse up or down the page can be another key area to receive commission income.

Final words

One of the greatest achievements a person can make is by working from home. By choosing not to be a part of the secular workforce and instead to strike off on your own creative passive income generating endeavors, your family will thank you and you will thank you. Whether that entails blogging full time, trading stocks on the stock market, or publishing ebooks on KDP. Those are all passive income streams that enable you to not have to rely on living paycheck to paycheck from the secular workforce.

If you do decide to blog full time; however, just keep in mind that a high quality blog article doesn’t need to be some massive block of text. For example this blog article contains roughly 1,800 words. I have written much longer and much smaller blog articles in the past. In the world of blogging, quality is more important than quantity. And above all else, consistency is key in driving large volumes of traffic to your blog.

If you do decide that you want to blog for a living you need to focus on utilizing a consistent publishing schedule with high quality articles covering trendy topics that are popular among your current generation. And if the time comes further on in life where you want to quit blogging and totally retire from all work, you could always sell your blog and use those funds to purchase shares of dividend paying stocks on the stock market. That way your newly earned dividends will help to supplement your social security income.

Whether blogging full time is your main source of passive income or trading stocks on the stock market, regardless of the passive income stream you choose, once you are able to make a living by working from home then the sky really is the limit.