We all get to choose whether or not we work for someone else or work for our self. If you have ever wondered what it’s like to work from home then this article may help to shed some light on the lives of those who have chosen to work from home rather than partaking in the joys of the secular workforce.

Be your own boss

There are some types of people who like to work for corporate overlords and be a part of the system. The secular workforce longs for waking up each morning to an annoying alarm clock after not getting any rest, rushing to eat breakfast, forgetting to drink coffee, wasting time commuting to work for an hour while still half asleep, working for someone who calls them self “the manager” for eight hours, taking a measly thirty minute lunch break, commuting home for an hour, rushing to cook dinner and then burning it, eating the burnt dinner, trying to fall asleep, and right as their body and mind begin to rest from the prior day’s mayhem the soothing sound of their annoying alarm clock wakes them back up to repeat the adventure. You and I; however, have chosen to place our life above all others. We have realized that the only one who has our best interest at heart is ourselves. We have chosen to rather than work for some boss at a emotionally ran business to instead work for ourselves in the security and privacy of our own home.

No more commuting

Since you now work from home you no longer will have to commute to work everyday like everyone else. You are safer by not driving around in traffic and are now a free human being since you are no longer working for the empire. By choosing to work from home instead of working for some corporate overlord you are saving time by not having to commute to work in your car and you are saving money by not having to maintain that car. And if you have the financial mindset to question the logic of even owning a car in the first place you can sell your car to help fund your passive income streams and give your other projects a financial boost. Maybe you would like to purchase some advertising space on Amazon or FaceBook to help promote your new eBook. Or maybe you are in talks with an SEO company to help improve your blog’s page rank and SEO score. Do you really need your car? Why are you driving to the store when you can just walk or ride a bike? Better yet, why aren’t you ordering food and water online? There are many companies and websites that allow customers to purchase groceries online. Amazon and Whole Foods for example. Then again if you think that you can fake it till you make it then MLM cults might be more your thing. If that’s the case then you can always sell your car and buy overpriced bottled water and makeup for a living.

Have more quality family time

Compound interest may be the most powerful force in the universe; however, time is the most valuable commodity in the universe. Why would you want to waste your time by working for someone else? Unlike the self employed, the secular workforce will never understand all of the benefits by working from home. They will never have second thoughts about working for someone else rather than working for them self. Because in order to have second thoughts, you first have to have a first thought. That’s alright everyone is different. Some people enjoy working for a boss for thirty years of their life. You and I; however, have chosen to use our creativity for the benefit of not just our self but for our family. If you have always wanted to work from home think about this for a moment. You owe it to your family to work from home so you can spend the time that was allocated to your life with them rather than with the secular workforce. Maybe you don’t have a spouse and children. Maybe you have a pet dog instead. In that case your pet dog is your family and your dog deserves to live with you rather than in a lonely house without you. Do you have a project in mind? A shoe design business? A website design business? Are you an SEO guru and have the tools and knowledge to market other entrepreneur’s projects? Or maybe you have always wanted to stream video games for a living and earn passive income through monetizing your YouTube channel. There are so many ways to earn passive income by working from home there should be no excuse why you or anyone else is even working for someone else in the first place. If you can’t come up with a unique business idea of your own you can always seek out to learn a new trade that is in high demand in your area such as licensed contractors, plumbers, and electricians. Or if you love animals you can always walk your neighbors’ dogs for a few hours a day. The choice is up to you. You have to give yourself the nudge and willpower to come up with a plan to quit your secular job and work from home.

Unlimited breaks

Since you are self employed and work from home you no longer are allocated a single ten minute break every four hours. Rather you now can take as many breaks throughout the day as you want. While your previous co-workers are working an eight hour day you work for two hours and then have the remaining twenty two hours to clean your home, tend to your garden, and walk your dog. Unlike your previous co-workers who salivate at the chance to work for someone else each morning, since you enjoy working for yourself and making only you rich, you can have an extended lunch break and even a cold beverage break. Unlike the secular workforce who chose to work for someone else, since you work from home you can have tea time and even tee time. As your previous co-workers are taking their mandated ten minute break, you are tending to your garden. When I started my first business I was like “the heck with taking a thirty minute lunch in some rundown breakroom, I’m self employed, I’m going on a picnic!”

Avoid workplace drama

Have you ever worked at a business where if you told one person you’ve told them all? Since you were financially wise enough to choose to work from home you get to avoid the entitled bragging about how well they have it made by working for someone else. Why on God’s green earth would you want to work at a business where if you don’t participate in emotional gossip and call in “sick” constantly you’ll be let go? By choosing to work from home you no longer have to work for frazzled managers for eight hours a day nor do you have to deal with auditors telling you how much better they can do your job than you.

Final words

We are taught that we can only succeed in life if we work an eight to five shift for someone else five days a week. If that’s the case, then why am I and many others like me succeeding on our own through various passive income streams such as investing in dividend growth stocks and writing blog articles for a living? If you still would rather be a part of the secular workforce and work for someone else rather than being creative enough to think of a business idea of your own then I say good luck to you as you wake up each morning to an annoying alarm clock.
