1. Choosing not to update at all, renders your site and your users vulnerable to known security threats. If you decide not to update your WordPress installation, you should never tell anyone that your site is running an out dated WordPress version.
  2. No access to new rollout features. You’ll never be able to use the new features that other WordPress users have access to unless you choose to download and install the new update.
  3. You will be using a less stable WordPress version. Whether your are a news writer developing content on the back end or are a visitor reading an article on the front end no one likes to visit a buggy site. That is what your competition is there for. If a user visits your broken site with error messages thrown the entire session then they will simply head on over to your competition that delivers the same content but on a more stable platform.
  4. If you keep putting off updates, then official support may be dropped for your current WordPress version. For instance, let’s say one of your editors brought to your attention a usability error on the back end or maybe a visitor used your contact form to tell you of an alignment issue of your articles. You gather all of the known information about the issue and bring it to the attention of the users at the official WordPress support forums. As the support team tries to diagnose the technicality, they notice that your site is running a WordPress version that is no longer supported by the official WordPress team…giving you one of two options. Either download and install the latest supported WordPress version and receive support or keep your site out dated and have support denied.
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