1. Introduce even worse bugs. Sometimes a new update brings new bugs that need repairing. These particular bugs would normally get patched soon after the WordPress update was released.
  2. Introduce an unforeseen security flaw. Even though each update is tested by the developers and numerous beta testers there will be the occasional security flaw that slips through the trial phase.
  3. Incompatible with your current plugins and theme. It is a good idea to test and verify that the update will be compatible with your plugins and theme otherwise the update could cause your WordPress installation to malfunction.
  4. The new update could break your theme, rendering your site design and ultimately your content unusable to your customers. A broken site is a low traffic site. Verifying the compatibility of your server’s php version and your WordPress memory limit with the new update could help to mitigate unexpected incompatibilities.
    1. If you have cPanel as your server’s back end software, simply scroll down to the “SOFTWARE” section and select “PHP Selector.” Once you are there, you will be presented with whichever php version will be processing your “.php” file extensions. You can always update your php version by using the drop down selector.
    2. If you want to update the memory limit for your WordPress installation, you will need to use an ftp client (file transfer protocol) such as cPanel to access your file manager. Once there you will need to head over to the “wp-config.php” file and toy around with which ever memory limit suites your use. If you choose to use a lower memory limit, then be prepared to operate a site with a slow load time and to constantly receive memory requests errors. A higher memory limit allows your WordPress installation to allocate the required memory for specific requests.
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