The Hubble Space Telescope defies Newton’s Third law of physics

According to NASA’s own admissions here;

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) a low earth orbiting observatory, has no thrusters of any kind and that its internal gyroscopes are not navigational gyroscopes but are only used to control its attitude adjustment when viewing celestial objects in space.

Even though the HST does have internal gyroscopes to control its attitude adjustment they have no bearing at all in its relationship to its altitude above the Earth. So when NASA’s space shuttles performed their servicing missions to the Hubble space telescope and the space shuttles pushed off of the Hubble space telescope’s frame, then according to Newton’s third law of physical motion (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) how is it that the HST managed to counteract the force in which the space shuttles used to push off of it on their way back to the earth? How is it that the HST managed to stay in its orbit all these years without the use of thrusters of any kind?

Why Nasa, did you include thrusters on the Voyager 1 which you launched in the 70’s and not include thrusters on the Hubble space telescope which you launched in the 90’s? It couldn’t have been due to a lack of funds, since even your own ex-administrator admits that NASA receives more in public donations then the money received from congress each year. And surely modern technology improved in those twenty years between launches…unless that is you lost your thruster technology too.

The Hubble space telescope should have either burnt up in the earth’s atmosphere or should have been pushed out even further into space and kept going. So why NASA, has your Hubble space telescope that has no maneuverability thrusters managed to counteract the force of Newton’s third law each time the space shuttles pushed off of it?

Better yet…why NASA, do you keep the Hubble space telescope in operation when your Sophia mobile observatory plane is able to capture higher quality images at a fraction of the cost?

The lack of thrusters aside for a moment…thrusters shouldn’t even work in the vacuum of space anyway.
