When did God command man to create a bible?

The bible says “Thou shalt compilist these 66 manuscripts and calleth twas the bible” … right? It says that? It says “Thou shalt compilist these 66 manuscripts and calleth twas the bible?”


Ohhh… Interesting ‘eh?

Where in the 66 book KJV does God command man to create a compilation of manuscripts and call it “the bible?” The Torah was created as per God’s command; however, the “Bible” was only created per the demands of the Council of Nicea to enslave the citizens of the Roman empire. Christianity anyone? All hail the high and mighty pope!!!

When the water-walker was referring to the “scriptures” …

2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God…”

He couldn’t have been referring to the bible as the bible wasn’t even around. Yet we refer to it? The water-walker couldn’t have been referring to the “Old Testament” either as the Old Testament hadn’t been compiled by the folks in the Council of Nicea yet. There were no bibles back then; however, their were thousands upon thousands of scriptures that were written on things such as scrolls and cuneiform tablets from varying civilizations across the eons of Earth’s infinite existence.

Today’s church pastors use their “bibles” as a means of emotionally robbing their congregation. And for some odd reason church pastors think there is this verse in the bible;

“Thou shalt use thy comilated bible and smite thy congregation of their income”

After all…money wouldn’t be flowing into church pastors pockets unless it was flowing out of their congregation’s pockets first.

No religious fruit cake would ever admit that the Sumerian Adamu predates their 503c Adam by over 450,000+ years or that the Indian Hindu faith has two patriarchs (Brahma and Saraswati) that bare striking similarities between the Jewish (Abraham and Sarai/Sarah).

I don’t know what’s more entertaining…watching water bubbles in space or listening to the religious nuts trying to defend their ignorance.

*All Scripture is taken from the King James Version(KJV) of the Bible

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