How to Save Money in your Home: Use Candles for Light whenever Possible

We sometimes will use candles to light the inside of our home if we just need just some basic amble lighting to see around the house with. In the not so distant pass, our ancestral relatives who had no electricity to power light bulbs only a century ago, let alone, light bulbs themselves, used nothing more than candles to light the inside of their dwelling places. Sure electric light bulbs such as incandescent light bulbs, have gotten way more efficient than when they were first introduced. With the advent of the highly efficient; Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs), Halogen Incandescent light bulbs, and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) electronic consumers have been saving a tremendous amount of money each month on their monthly electrical statement. Still though, candles require zero electricity…just a wick, some wax or oil, and a flame to light the wick and you are well on your way to saving money each month on your monthly electrical bill on your utility statements.