How-To Save Money in Your Home: Use Ovens and Microwave Ovens Effectively

Ever since the advent of the microwave oven, heating and reheating food has never been easier. Many of those who purchase and use a microwave oven use it for cooking TV dinners and other smaller meals that would otherwise be cooked in an actual oven. Whether you use an oven or a microwave oven to cook your food, once the food is brought to the proper temperature and cooked thoroughly, there is no further reason to keep on cooking it, since it is already cooked.

For example, when I cook some frozen garlic bread (topped with extra cheese of course) in the oven, once the cheese is almost melted and the bread is brought up to temperature and already properly cooked, I turn the oven off, and allow the residual heat to continue to cook the bread and melt the cheese. Same thing goes for the microwave oven. Once the food is brought to temperature and cooked, I shut the device off and let the food continue to heat up and cook. I normally do this for our microwaved foods anyways but am in the habit of doing this for our foods cooked in the oven. If you use these two types of appliances quite often and safely and properly, a slight decrease in your electric bill on your monthly utility statement may be noticed.

Discussion Topic: How-To Save Money in Your Home: Use Ovens and Microwave Ovens Effectively