How-To Save Money in Your Home: Take Showers Instead of Baths

Taking showers instead of baths is a great way to trim your water bill each month. My bathtub can hold roughly forty-two gallons of water if I fill it to the top. If I have the water on medium flow, my shower nozzle has a flow rate of approximately two gallons per minute. So if I took a shower that lasts ten minutes, I would have used an estimated twenty gallons of water. Already I have saved twenty-two gallons of water. Understanding that a ten minute shower may seem too short however.

Depending on the type of water heater you have, will also determine how much of the initial running of the water you would have to use before it reaches the proper temperature. Now when I compare this to my forty-two gallon bathtub that I would normally fill, I am saving, on the average, twenty-plus gallons of water. So by taking two, ten minute showers per day, I save an estimated forty-four gallons of water. I will even sometimes take just one, ten minute shower per day, in which case I will be saving even more money by not using as much water or electricity from my electric water heater.

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