Flat Earth Evidence

Airplane Gyroscopes Prove the Earth is FLAT

Airplane navigation Gyroscopes prove 100% that the Earth is a stationary, flat, fixed, immovable plane. Pilots set…or “spin up” their airplane’s navigation gyroscope while the plane is still on the runway. Once the gyroscope is set and its rotor spun up via its vertical axis within the gimbal and frame, then the gyroscope creates a flat infinite false horizon that the airplane, airplane’s pilot, and the airplane’s autopilot computer follow when the plane is at altitude. If the Earth was curved like we are told it is at 8 inches per mile^2 also known as “Samuel Rowbotham’s Formula”, then the airplane would have to be in a constant state of descent or periodically nose the plane down 8 inches per mile^2. Ask any non-government and non-military pilot…so ask any commercial pilot and private pilot.
If the Earth was curved in some magical sort of way, then airplanes would be constantly increasing in altitude 8 inches per mile^2, and then eventually they’d be floating off into fake space. Submarines are the same way. Submarines would be increasing in altitude the same way as an airplane. The submarines would be constantly having to readjust for the fake curvature, if they didn’t, then they would be constantly resurfacing above the water. Any ship or airliner that uses a navigational gyroscope proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the submarine, airliner, or any other machine is operating on a stationary, flat, fixed, immovable plane.

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