The Most Important Things to Keep in Mind Before Starting a Blog – Part 1

You are going to want to choose a reputable web and domain hosting provider that provides excellent customer service along with virtually no server downtime. Both HostGator and GoDaddy offer popular web hosting services. You are also going to want to choose between a shared hosting server or a vps (virtual private server). If you choose the shared hosting server for your webhosting then your web files will be stored on the same server as other customer web files. Alternatively, if you choose the vps (virtual private server), then only your web files will be stored on the server. You may even want to have your own server, running apache or linux for example. Having root access or shell access to the server is also beneficial. You may also want to snag multiple versions of your primary domain name with various methods of spelling in addition to a variety of suffix’s so as other jealous bloggers won’t have the opportunity to snag the domain names for themselves. You could even have a reseller server and host other web master web files and earn an income that way. You may also want to check out our article on Should Dedicated Hosting Providers Offer Free Website Building Software? and see whether or not you need a free website design software included with your dedicate web and domain hosting server account.

Choosing an open source blogging platform for your software preference helps to strengthen the open source community of online web masters. Some of the more popular blogging software out there on the internet include WordPress and Joomla. Both software offer an extensive array of plugins, community support, and various cms (content management system) features. If you wish to publish your web content, there is no reason you should have to shell out your own money on an expensive blogging software where as you can simply choosing WordPress or Joomla, as they are perfect for the novice webmaster and advanced enough for the expert coder and scripter. The open source community of graphic designers and expert coders have a tremendous amount of knowledge when it comes down to helping each other run their own personal and professional blogs.

If you are going to be starting any type of website, whether it be a forum or blog, personal or professional, you are going to want to cater to a variety of platform devices that your guests and members use to browse your web pages. You would want to take into account both desktop computer platforms as well as mobile devices such as the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, Android powered operating systems, iOS devices, as well as other tablet pc’s and mobile phones. By choosing a theme that has responsive HTML5 and CSS3 coding utilization, your blog may both load quicker, look prettier, and respond using adaptive coding and for various screen size resolutions.

When composing category specific and niche related content in your blog posts, you are going to want to utilize Long Tail Subject Title Keywords in your posts’ subject titles. Long tail keywords help to enable your blog to rank higher in Google Page Rank. Page Rank 1 is the best. Both Google AdWords and Google AdWords Keyword Planner Tool helps you to determine what niche relate keywords are currently being searched under in search engines, specifically Googles search engine. You will also be able to see just how much your competition is bidding on those same exact keywords that you may want to either purchase as AdWords, or use in the content on your blogs post subject titles. Choosing longer keywords and longer keyword phrases are usually better in increasing your websites SEO (Search Engine Optimization). For more information regarding Proper SEO implementation, you may want to check out; Using Proper Keyword Research Tools before writing a Blog Article for SEO Purposes on our website.

You may want to strive to attract organic visitor traffic. Organic visitors are actual humans, and not bots, robots, spiders, or crawlers, that are often used to spam website blogs and forum message boards. Some countries you may even want to block completely if you receive an awful amount of spammers. Simply find the associated IP Addresses and deny access to them in a “.htaccess” file. Countries such as China and Russia, along with the middle eastern countries should all be blocked. Whereas I’ve seen positive monetary traffic increases by countries such as the United States of America, India, United Kingdom, and Canada. You will want to view spam logs on your websites along with your reports in your Google Dashboard to help determine which countries to keep and which countries to block. Consistently writing blog articles uniquely tailored to your blogs’ niche may help to increase your organic visitor traffic. If you have questions regarding blog article posting content and duration of publishing, you may want to check out; How Often should I Write Blog Articles? on our website. Your blog articles should also have lots of niche related keywords. Our How Long should a Blog Article Length Be and How Many Words should a Blog Article Have? post on our blog, may help you to determine how long your blog articles should be to help attract unique website visitors in the form of organic traffic, also referred to as…humans!

Discussion Topic: The Most Important Things to Keep in Mind Before Starting a Blog – Part 1