Should Dedicated Hosting Providers Offer Free Website Building Software?

What do you think? Do you think that customers of popular hosting providers such as HostGator and GoDaddy could benefit in some way if these hosting providers along with other hosting providers, provided free drag and drop website building software? They very well could benefit. That also depends on the type of blog, forum, or website that the customer chooses to administrate. Also whether or not the customer chooses to be hosted on a VPS (Virtual Private Server), Dedicated Server, or Shared Server (shared hosting). Many hosting providers offer some sort of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software that enables webmaster’s to upload files in their Control Panel (cPanel). Various files that were coded using Css3, Html5, or various other elements, could benefit in a variety of way if they were used in conjunction with a Free Drag and Drop Website Building Software that had been included with the hosting package of a web domain name. If your hosting provider does not provide any sort of web design tools, a web builder, or any sort of website maker then you may want to consider using Adobe Systems software and services such as PhotoShop CS6, DreamWeaver, Illustrator, Creative Cloud (CC), CS6 Mater Collection, or a creative suite that specializes in designing responsive web layouts that utilize various coding techniques such as BootStrap, Grid Layout, and the Rule of Thirds coding technique.

After your initial design phase is over from utilizing a drag and drop website building software or responsive design graphics software, you may also want to check out various eCommerce Platforms along with FlashPro and similar software features that enable you to design mobile apps and desktop apps. If you do not already know how to install various web design and CMS (Content Management System) software, then you may want to check out Softaculous. Softaculous allows webmaster’s to focus more on web design, content creation, and application development, versus having to painstakingly install software installations. Though once practiced, installing web applications and software can become quite simple. Especially popular open source blog software such as WordPress and its famous 5-Minute Install (Five Minute Install). If you prefer another easy installing website software, then Joomla might interest you. Joomla is a popular CMS (Content Management System) that caters to bloggers and webmaster’s.

Discussion Topic: Should Dedicated Hosting Providers Offer Free Website Building Software?