When designing a personal or professional website, forum, or blog can be a lot of work, especially since in today’s world that majority of online users are now browsing the web via smart phones and other mobility devices. When ever a personal or professional website, forum, or blog is being designed, the graphics designer along with the back end coder need to think of mobility users first and foremost. For example when I come home from work, I do not necessarily sit in front of my desktop or laptop computer to check the local or national news or weather, since I have been checking the local or national news, or weather throughout the day on my smartphone. Smart phones and other similar mobility devices such as tablet pc’s or computers, allow the user to casually use their smartphone just as if they were using a regular desktop or laptop computer system. Small mobility devices allow the user to take their computation usage with them in their pocket. Tablet computers are nice, though, nothing is better that using a smart phone no bigger than the palm of your hand to use just like a regular desktop or laptop computer. Here at EclypticStudios.com you will find our HOME page to be conveniently browsable across a wide array of smaller mobility devices such as the typical smartphone or tablet personal computer. If your personal or professional website, forum, or blog is using a fixed layout for the design or code template, then converting everything into percentages versus pixels may seem like a chore, but will pay off in the long run, as more and more mobility users begin to browse through your web pages. Even when you are about to hire a graphics or code designer for your personal or professional website, forum, or blog you may want to ask the potential employee if they are more comfortable using either a fixed or fluid (dynamic) layout in the code. Hiring a code or graphics designer who is familiar using both a fixed and fluid design will be beneficial for the website both in the short term and the long term of the personal or professional website, forum, or blog existence. Since mobility user’s are becoming more and more abundant, both individual and larger corporate businesses that use a personal or professional website, forum, or blog may want to adapt the new philosophy of mobile first.

Current technology, allows a graphics or code designer and web developers to design mobile friendly website layouts that enable a broader reach of online users versus websites that only utilize a fixed layout. Fixed layouts are layouts in which the structure of the website remains intact and does not change shape or alter form when the screen size and screen resolution is either reduced in size or increased in size. Many mobile friendly websites use the standard approach of rather ditching the navigation bars and similarly associated menu’s, keep the navigation bars and menu’s up top and simply reformat the widths and background colors to match a screen size and resolution that is both desktop friendly and mobile friendly. A mobile friendly website is more likely to attract and keep mobile users who browse the web frequently in search of internet services and entertainment venues. A mobile friendly web site will need to have proper colors so as to render the associated web pages as retina friendly as possible due to the fact that not all mobile user’s will browse the internet on their smart phone in an office building somewhere, but may just as often browse the interwebs on a side walk during a bright sunny day. Having a mobile friendly personal or professional website, forum, or blog may possibly not only attract mobile user’s but may even encourage those same mobile users who initially visited your web pages to return as prospective casual members.

Discussion Topic: Design Websites for Mobile User’s First?