What is “Life” (physical vs informational)
Check out some of our members' comments
Saruman wrote;
What do you guys classify as being "alive" or having "a life" ?
I was watching some gameplay footage of Oblivion the other...
Do the secrets of creation lay hidden within the human body?
Do the secrets of creation lay hidden within the human body?
The Neuron Theory
Ever since my awakening to the flat earth realization has led me down paths that I never...
Flat Earth Light and the True Depth of the Rabbit Hole
Flat Earth Light and the True Depth of the Rabbit Hole
When one reads Genesis chapter 1, it says in there that the "greater" light is the sun and the...
Is outer space the creator’s soul? Quick Theory
Is outer space the creator's soul? Quick Theory
One theory on what the universe could be is that it is the creator's soul (mind, will, and emotions).
The fluid that is...
Celestial sky objects are personal
Celestial sky objects are personal
Picture the following...
Let's say you are in a field in the middle of the night with the full moon at a 45 degree angle in...
The Moon is not what you think it is
According to Jesuit Astronomy, the moon was formed when a Mars sized object collided with Earth during the primordial soup era. After becoming Earth's only natural satellite, the fascination...
An in depth study on the true nature of our solar system
The structure of our solar system is not the socially accepted heliocentric model that was devised by the copernicans and is now preached by educated millennials. Contrary to what...
An in depth study on the true nature of the universe
We are well into a decade since theories on the shape of the earth began to push politics aside and dominate social media. And with no clear winner in...
An in depth study on shooting stars
What are shooting stars?
Contrary to what the calcifying effect of Nasa's lettuce experiments proclaim, shooting stars are not space dust burning up in the Earth's atmosphere. Now there are...
Do you want to know what else we’ve been lied to about?
Everything you have ever been taught was a lie. Here is a rabbit hole that trumps all others. What I want you to do is to go to the...