What are shooting stars?

Contrary to what the calcifying effect of Nasa’s lettuce experiments proclaim, shooting stars are not space dust burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere. Now there are asteroids, meteors, and comets. Those celestial objects do exist; however, shooting stars are not part of that group.

Shooting stars are not clumps of iron, rock, and ice. Shooting stars are actually various types of spacecraft that are quantum jumping or traveling faster than light from one specific point in the known universe to another specific point.

And what’s faster than the speed of light?


Through a combination of advanced deep learning and machine based artificial intelligence with the mending of consciousness and machine allows the spacecraft to travel faster than the speed of light by traveling at the speed of thought.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is the process of machines using neural networks like our brains for trial and error and those machines in turn use those data sets and the associated patterns if any, to predict the most likely outcome. And the programmers can even program in a set amount of data sets for the machine to acquire or infinite amount of data sets for more complex and precise learning. Once the AI can write its own code it can literally learn forever.

What is Quantum Jumping?

Quantum jumping or jumping simply refers to when a spacecraft uses an advanced technology (compared to known human developed technology) such as quantum entanglement to travel faster than light from point A in the known universe to point B then has to let the engines rest before proceeding to point C then resting again before proceeding to point D and so on and so forth until the crew reaches their destination.

Types of interstellar travel

There are several types of interstellar travel which permits a spacecraft and the occupants inside to travel from point A in the known universe to point B through the use of advanced technology including neuron sensory frequency relays for pilot to ship communication (NSFR technology) and by utilizing the energy gained and emitted from parallel particles and their anti equivalents.

There are two particular methods of interstellar travel that I would like to cover.

  1. Using quantum entanglement – Before a spacecraft jumps, it quantizes itself into a discrete energy state by quantumly entangling itself into a single particle (a visible electron) which by either emitting or receiving energy then allows the spacecraft to jump energy states (jump from point A to point B in the known universe) similar to an electron jumping from one energy level to another energy level around a nucleus.
  2. Using strictly consciousness – The onboard particle accelerator creates a containment field around the spacecraft while the resonators syncs the pilot’s brainwaves frequencies with the spacecraft’s frequencies. Once the pilot’s brainwaves frequencies are in sync with the spacecraft’s resonators, the craft itself becomes the body of the pilot’s consciousness. Similar to the CIA’s declassified experimentation with the hemi-sync tapes, wherever the pilot’s consciousness travels to both in terms of distance and time the craft has to go with it as the frequencies of the craft and the frequencies of the pilot’s brainwaves are the same. Neither the craft nor the pilot’s consciousness can go somewhere without the other. The craft is literally the pilot’s body.

Now I would like to focus on the quantum entanglement method of interstellar travel and the technology that is utilized.

For instance, one particular technology available in certain spacecraft allows the crew to overlay multidimensional jump points (varying energy levels) onto a holographic simulation of the known universe. The energy levels are the available jump points that the spacecraft must take before reaching the projected destination.

The type of engineering involved in the spacecraft design will determine on whether the engines must emit or receive energy in order to allow the spacecraft to jump the holographically displayed jump points.

Depending on the technological advancement of the civilization that designed the spacecraft, the civilization piloting the spacecraft, and the power output of the engines will depend on the distance between a pair of jump points (energy levels).

And depending on the technological advancement of the civilization that designed the spacecraft, the civilization piloting the spacecraft, and the power output of the engines will depend on how far the spacecraft is able to jump across the known universe(travel to the furthest destination than other civilizations have).

A more technologically advanced spacecraft might have fewer jump points and allow for greater distance between those jump points in order to reach the projected destination while a lesser advanced spacecraft might have more jump points and jump points that are relatively close to each other in order to reach the projected destination.

Some spacecraft are only able to jump not even a light year (short lived shooting stars). While more technologically advanced spacecraft are able to jump several light years in a single jump (shooting stars that travel across a long swath of the night sky).

The spacecraft is able to travel at the speed of thought through quantum entanglement by either the pilot’s thought, a sentient spacecraft’s thought or the combination of the two.

Quantum jumping is how faster than light travel actually works

What you often times see depicted in space movies about spacecraft constantly traveling faster than the speed of light and not having to stop for an engine cool down may be far beyond what even the most advanced spacecraft in the known universe are capable of. Constant faster than light travel is even well beyond the spacecraft that we see in the night time sky. It’s not impossible to constantly travel faster than light as depicted in space movies; however, the required power output needed to continually travel faster than the speed of light in a single quantum jump without having to stop for an engine cool down period is so far advanced than even the most advanced spacecraft are capable of…let alone the basic quantum jumping spacecraft like we witness as “shooting stars” in the night sky. There may not even be any civilization in the known universe or a civilization known by the secret space program participants themselves that can even come close to traveling constantly faster than light.

Even civilizations that have existed well before humans were ever created can still only quantum jump. They themselves can’t even constantly travel faster than light. So what makes you think that a spacecraft can just constantly travel faster than light as depicted in space movies? It’s just not practical and may not even be feasible, at least not for a very long time. A future duration of time greater than the span of time well beyond the dawn of creation up until now. Many of these ancient civilizations are the ones who are able to quantum jump the farthest, unlike most of the spacecraft owned by the U.S., Russian, and Japanese secret space programs that can only quantum skip like feeble pebbles skipping across an infinite sea.

Faster than light travel is not a constant, but a jump

Constant faster than light travel is nearly impossible. Not impossible, just highly improbable that there is a civilization even now that is so far ahead in technological knowledge that they are able to constantly travel faster than light without having to stop and rest the engines. The power output needed to achieve such a feat may be far beyond what even the most advanced civilization in the known universe is capable of that there may not even be a civilization that can even come close to constantly traveling faster than light; however, never say never as there is always that possibility.

Most spacecraft in the known universe are not even close to the technological level that is required to constantly travel faster than light, so the spacecraft instead rather travels faster than light only a certain distance that the engines are capable of “quantum jumping” and then must rest for a duration sort of like a cool down period for the engines to recover before the spacecraft is able to jump again.

Even if there is some far flung civilization out there that is able to constantly travel faster than the speed of light, that is not what we are witnessing when we look up at the night time sky. What we witness are spacecraft quatumly entangling themselves before jumping from one holographically simulated energy level to another, then having to allow the engines to rest and recover before jumping to the next energy level projected on their holographic star map with energy levels overlaid on and within a simulation of the known universe.

What we were taught this entire time was a lie and we all fell for it

What you see in the night time sky that you were taught was a shooting star, is actually a spacecraft that is quantum jumping from one point in the known universe to another point. The spacecraft then must stop for a cool down period to give the engines time to rest before being able to jump again.

Depending on the power output of the engines will determine on how far the spacecraft is able to jump…or in the case of a Nasa regurgitater…how far a shooting star travels across the night sky. And depending on the technological level of the civilization that designed the spacecraft will determine the duration of the cool down period that the engines must go through in-between jumps.

Once the spacecraft’s engines have properly rested, then the spacecraft is able to quantum jump again. So if you witness a “shooting star” traveling from point A to point B, then after a duration of time (which will depend on the engineering of the craft and the piloting involved), that same “shooting star” will then travel from point B to point C before resting and taking back off again to point D and so on and so forth. The shooting star/spacecraft may continue quantum jumping in a straight line again after the cool down period or may quantum jump in another direction in order to get to the crew’s destination.

Even faster than light travel capable spacecraft have to avoid colliding with obstructing obstacles in their path of travel…disregarding the spacecraft that are able to demolecularize completely and travel straight through bonded compounds of course.

Odds are when you see a shooting star that travels an incredibly short distance, that is a human spacecraft since humans have only been a part of space travel for not even a century yet. When you see a shooting star that travels an incredibly long distance, that is an extraterrestrial spacecraft far more advanced than anything owned by humans.

Alternate theories

  • Shooting stars could be spacecrafts that are coming out of faster than light travel before they jump again to another point in the known universe.
  • Neurons traveling along neuron pathways. (same with “satellites”)

Final words

Quantum jumping from one point in the known universe to another point is how space travel (faster than light travel actually works) not constantly traveling faster than light from point A and then straight to the crew’s destination. Regarding many space faring civilizations out there, that is not how space travel works. The engines on the spacecraft must rest before the spacecraft is able to quantum jump again.

More advanced spacecraft are able to jump the farthest, have fewer jump points to have to jump to before reaching the destination, have greater distance in-between jump points, and have shorter cool down periods in-between jumps than lesser advanced spacecraft.

So next time you look up at the night time sky and you see a shooting star, remind yourself that you are not witnessing Copernican space dust, what you are seeing is a mirage.

No really, what you are seeing is a spacecraft quantum jumping faster than light from one point in the known universe to another point.

Believe your eyes, not the lies.

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