According to Jesuit Astronomy, the moon was formed when a Mars sized object collided with Earth during the primordial soup era. After becoming Earth’s only natural satellite, the fascination of the Moon has intrigued the imaginations of those who have taken the time to look up.

As time progressed and technology has continued to develop, the ways in which we study the moon has led us with more questions than answers. With the use of sophisticated astronomical equipment and state of the art computer software, modern day amateur astronomers have begun to unlock mysteries of the Moon that the Copernican Priesthood have kept secret for the past 500 years.

As we delve into the forefront of Lunar observations, we begin to notice a striking similarity between the second brightest object in the night time sky and Earth itself. We begin to ponder why…if the Moon orbits the Earth, and the Earth is in the Goldilocks Zone, then why must only the Earth have an atmosphere and not the Moon? We dive deeper into the rabbit hole and begin to realize that not only is Venus, Earth, and Mars in the Goldilocks Zone, but all of their moons are as well.

We point our telescopes and HD cameras at the Moon again. And this time we begin to realize that we haven’t been looking at a dusty surface ravaged by the absolute vacuum of cold space all this time, but rather what we have been staring at is a persistent cloud cover.

After connecting a series of observable and repeatable dots, we begin to realize that due to the Moon’s slow rotational period of just over twenty seven days and the lack of any observable jet stream of any kind, a persistent cloud cover has developed and blanketed the entire Lunar surface. Now when we look up at the full Moon we are not seeing a dry dusty “surface” of the Moon. What we are seeing is the top of the upper most cloud layer that covers the entire surface of the Moon.

Look at the Maria regions of the Moon again. Why is it that the surface appears to be bleeding between and over the tops of mountainous highlands? Why do these Maria regions appear translucent?

The Moon’s surface isn’t reflective…its cloud cover is.

A utopia…a Garden of Eden awaits just underneath.

The Moon’s lush surface complete with forested jungles, deep oceans, and winding rivers lies hidden underneath of this persistent cloud cover while a vast civilization of technologically advanced beings occupy the space between.

What would a moon that has a tidally locked rotational period around its parenting planet and situated in its solar system’s Goldilocks Zone look like?

It would look like the Moon.