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Saruman wrote;

What do you guys classify as being “alive” or having “a life” ?
I was watching some gameplay footage of Oblivion the other day on youtube and this thought came to me.
“Are these npc’s actually living?”
Some scientist think we, us, ourselves are actually information, when you get down to it…we are made of “information.”

Is life every where?
Is killing an npc in a game(npc’s = informationally built) the same as taking someones life here in the physical(we are informationally built)?
Where do we draw the line?
Their have even been recent “computer bugs” designed to affect humans.(computer bugs = information) (humans = information)
What are your guys’ thoughts?
Say I “delete” a villager in age of empires, is that the same as someone taking someones life in the physical?

Mendozacheers wrote;

Weird, I saw Tron: Legacy 5 hours ago and that movie is a lot about life and what it is. In Tron there is Users, Programs and ISO’s. I started wonder if we, the users, actually could create life. We could always clone something, but that’s still biologically “correct” even though it’s against a lot of theories, plus it’s against the most religions. The thought that we, simple humans, could create life. That’s the power of Gods. Cloning is still cheating because we are using an existing model. We can create new bacterias if I’ve understood it right, by mixing and doing weird stuff, and bacterias are a life form. So we are capable of creating life in this world, physical world on earth. However there could be as many different worlds and parallel universes as we could imagine.

We often encounter the term Artificial Intelligence, or AI, which pretty much is an advanced program that is so well coded that it can “act” by itself, without any help from us. Which I believe is a stretch because we simply programmed it so well that it seems like it’s acting on its own. AI sill got a lot of limitations, they can’t live without us, which is a relief.

Our world is pretty alike the artificial/computer world i believe. the human body also got components, just like the computer. The only difference is that our memory (RAM), brain capacity (CPU) and eyes (GFX) are unlimited of bytes and pixels. We also got the almost paranormal – feelings, perception and imagination for example. Could we create something like that?

How do we know if mother earth isn’t a life form? I mean, we are like bacteria to it, living on its body. Perhaps the Galaxies are life forms, or they could be bacterias in something even bigger. Our world doesn’t have any limitations that we know of.

Discussion Topic: What is “Life” (physical vs informational)

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