Dream Catchers
fortedestroyer wrote;
hey guys, i got an idea to share this from the paranormal activity thread. you guys know about dream catchers right, the things that they use to supposedly...
Flat Earth Evidence – Airplane Gyroscopes Prove the Earth is FLAT
Flat Earth Evidence
Airplane Gyroscopes Prove the Earth is FLAT
Airplane navigation Gyroscopes prove 100% that the Earth is a stationary, flat, fixed, immovable plane. Pilots set...or "spin up" their airplane's...
You know you’re a church pastor when…
You smite your congregation of their income.
The laying on of hands is your favorite hobby.
You use enticing words to convince your congregation that they are investing...
How to Save Money on Your Property: Grow Fruit Trees
How to Save Money on Your Property: Grow Fruit Trees
There are a surprising amount of fruit trees that are able to be grown in a variety of geographic locations...
You know you’re a social justice warrior when…
You know everything.
You affiliate yourself with a group of attention seeking unemployed school dropouts.
You brush with fluoride toothpaste.
You believe everything mainstream media tells you.
NASA Cancels Space Station Live due to Flat Earth Awareness
NASA Cancels Space Station Live due to Flat Earth Awareness
Due to the overwhelming evidence of the flat earth, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) the federal government agency of...
Otho a King to Rule For Life
Otho a king to rule for life
Once not long ago, there lived a king named Otho!
He has blue eyes, long nails, and makes many lies.
He executes his adversaries one...
What wheel size is the best for Mountain Bikes?
What wheel size is the best for Mountain Bikes?
There are three main different wheel sizes to choose from when you are shopping around for a mountain bike. They are...
Do plants communicate with each other?
Do plants communicate with each other?
I just witnessed the most bizarre thing.
I was outside in a heavily wooded area trying to contemplate the meaning behind Shill Nye's deceptive lies...
How to Save Time while Traveling: Use a Personal Travel Advisor
How to Save Time while Traveling: Use a Personal Travel Advisor
Going on road trips and family vacations can be so enjoyable for the entire family. However, no one wants...