Bike vs Car – Which is Better? (Pros and Cons)

I recently made the switch from owning and driving a car, to owning and riding a bike…and I couldn’t be more happier. By owning a car, you are not “free” like we are meant to think we are. All cars are are heavier and faster wheelchairs. You can even call cars as comfortable chairs that have an engine. By driving a car, you are at the mercy of the worst drivers on the road…which is a lot of people, to top it off, you are at the mercy of law enforcement officers who would gladly write you traffic tickets left and right so long as they full-fill their daily quota and raise their ego to a satisfactory level. By riding a bike you are able to go everywhere a car can go and eve to more places that cars can’t fit through. You can take shortcuts through neighborhood parks, parking lots, and even hop on and off the sidewalk whenever you want. You get infinite gas mileage when riding a bike, and can smirk all you want as you ride past the drivers who are wasting there money purchasing and pumping gasoline at gas stations. Owning a car does not mean you are free…you are at the mercy of the ridiculous traffic laws that our ridiculous governments and government officials have enacted. So why not make the switch from car to bike today?


No Insurance Payments – You don’t have to deal with overpriced insurance scammers.
No More Fill-ups – You don’t have to waste money by spending time purchasing and pumping gasoline in a gas tank.
Little to no Wear and Tear – There is little to no wear and tear on a bike, or negligible wear and tear on a bike when compared to a car.
Little to No Traffic Accidents/Jams – You are no longer trapped in a line of other cars.
Shortcuts – You are able to take shortcuts whenever and wherever you want when riding a bike.
Tickets – No more getting traffic tickets in a car.
Traffic School/Defensive Driving School – No more attending these useless money making schools where all you do is make the instructor richer.
Go Anywhere – You are able to go to more places more easily than driving a car.
Speed – You can usually bypass traffic jams, take shortcuts, and get to places quicker.
Better on the Environment – Bikes have little to no effect on the enovironment…which isn’t “warming up” by the way.

Speed – In general, your top speed is much slower than driving a car.


Speed – In general, your top speed is much faster than riding a bike.

Insurance Payments – You are stuck paying ridiculously high insurance payments.
Fill-ups – You waste money by spending time purchasing and pumping gasoline in a gas tank.
Wear and Tear – There is to much wear and tear on a car when compared to a bike.
Traffic Accidents/Jams – You are trapped in a line of other cars.
Shortcuts – You are unable to take the shortcuts that are only accessible to bikes.
Tickets – Get used to receiving plenty of tickets from all the useless police officers who aren’t there to serve and protect you.
Traffic School/Defensive Driving School – Get used to attending these useless money making schools where all you do is make the instructor richer.
Can’t go Everywhere – You are unable to go to places that only a bike can get to.
Speed – You cannot bypass traffic jams, take shortcuts, or get to places as quickly as a bike can.
Worse on the Environment – Cars love to pollute the atmosphere.

Discussion Topic: Bike vs Car – Which is Better? (Pros and Cons)

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Disclosure: I am a stock market investor. I invest in the stock market for passive income and cash flow. Disclaimer: I am not a stock market professional. The information presented on is not financial advice. Always seek professional help when choosing to invest into the stock market. I am not a financial expert. The information presented on is not financial advice. Always seek professional help when seeking financial advice. I am not a health, nutrition, or fitness professional. The information presented on is not health, nutrition, or fitness advice. Always seek professional help with someone who is certified in health, nutrition, and fitness. I am not a legal expert. I am not a legal advisor. The information presented on is not legal advise. Always seek professional help with a certified legal expert. I am not a political expert. I am not a political advisor. The information presented on is not political advise. Always seek professional help with a certified political expert.