When deciding which chess piece to open with will usually depend on who your opponent is, their skill level, your skill level, and whether or not you are playing as white (offense) or black (defense). But in general, there are only two types of chess pieces that you are able to open with, either one of your two knights,or one of your eight pawns. Both chess pieces, offer up a tremendous amount of attack or defend strategies. But which chess pieces offer the best opening strategy? Opening with a knight can throw off your opponent, but are knight openings a viable first move, well lets go over some of the pro’s and con’s of opening a chess match using the knights and pawns of the white chess pieces. Which even chess piece you decide to open with, make sure to always have an escape plan if your initial opening does not go to well.

– Knights have a greater attack range than pawns.
– Knights can quickly retreat if threatened.
– Along with bishops, knights have a numerical value of three.
– Opening with a knight is uncommon, so could distract opponent.
– Can retreat and move in multiple directions.
– Knights can move together in a pair, supporting and defending each other.
– One knight can defend the other knight which could be attacking one of your opponents occupied squares.
– Knights can move across the chess board in only four moves.

– Each player only has two knights at their disposal.
– Knights can only be moved in an “L” shape on the chess board.


– Each player has eight pawns at their disposal.
– An opening pawn can either move one or two squares.
– Pawns can be promoted to another chess piece such as a queen, once reaching the other side (last square).
– Pawns can attack in a large group.
– Pawns can be used as a wall or barricade, protecting chess pieces behind them.

– Pawns can only move in one direction.
– Once developed, a pawn can only move one square at a time, after first initial move.
– Pawns have a numerical value of one.
– Pawns cannot retreat at all.

Discussion Topic: Chess Tactics: Open with Knight or Pawn

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