Step 1. Get single

Men, if you are an aspiring author who is struggling to make sales from your books or simply want to boost sales to your books then the first thing you should do is to divorce that lazy woman of yours. It’s plain and simple. You need to get single. Aren’t you tired of all that nagging and whining from that spoiled princess? I mean think about it, you come home each day from working a lot of hours hoping to enjoy a peaceful atmosphere you know, like what a home should offer, but instead you come home, walk into the living room, and see that lazy court supported, government subsidied woman of yours waiting for you to come home so she can start to complain about the simple things in life. If she is such a strong and independent woman then let her prove that to the world by agreeing to the divorce and living single herself. No cats for her, none of your friends she’s been cheating on you with, and no government subsidies. Just her. Alone. Now let’s get back to you. Once you are single you will now have the peace of mind and quiet atmosphere to methodically brainstorm plot ideas and character developments. You will also realize that once you are single and have finished writing a book, then you now have the silence around you to help you focus on editing and fine tuning your book’s small details.

Step 2. Be active on social media

Social media is a fantastic source of gathering followers and running promotional material for your books. As a self published author, one of your main goals with social media should be to get as many followers as possible in the shortest amount of time. It doesn’t matter if you use Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media. You want to get as many followers as possible so you have a large audience to market your book material too. You also want to get as many followers in the shortest amount of time simply so you can have more time to accomplish other tasks such as working on your other books or just doing things around the house. Sure some people may unfollow you but your intent wasn’t to reach that audience anyways. Once some of your followers leave you, then you will be left with those who will continue to follow you. And that is the audience who you will want to attract to your books. Social media is also an excellent place to run promotional material for your books. You may want to run a variety of promotional materials such as limited time discounts and book bundles to give you a better picture about which promotion earns you more sales. You may discover that a particular promotion that you think will earn you more books sales actually costs you more to run the promotion than it does earning you book sales. That is the power of running social media promotion experiments. To help give you an idea on which promotions are profitable and which promotions are costing you more in the long run. Even if you make just one sale from a particular promotion, that is still money flowing into your coffers. And we all know that money is king.

Step 3. Create vlogs on your YouTube channel

Creating vlogs, also known as Video Blogs, is a good way to reach a different branch of your audience who primarily use YouTube and other video media sources as a means of author and book searching. And remember, you don’t need to make an hour long vlog of you describing your book’s backstory or particular characters in your book. Even a simple three to five minute vlog might fetch surprising results. You might want to experiment with a variety of lengths with the vlogs you create. Some of your vlogs might attract more viewers depending on the length and material covered. A benefit of creating shorter vlogs as opposed to longer vlogs is that you are not spending a lot of time creating any one vlog. So there is not much time wasted on the vlogs that aren’t helping to boost your book sales. If a particular vlog isn’t attracting the amount of viewers you anticipated then you can try a different approach in another vlog. Another good idea about recording vlogs is towards the end of each vlog you could run a short ten to thirty second promotional piece about one of your current books or describe an up and coming book that you are about to publish.

I hope this gave you a few ideas on how to be a successful money making male author. Men, I cannot stress this enough. If you want to succeed in any area of life then you need to get single. Even if you have no desire to become an author. Life isn’t fair. And life isn’t fair especially to men who desire to get single; however, once you are able to get single then the flood gates of heaven will open up.

At the end of the day, it really comes down to two options.

1. Stay with that spoiled princess of yours and continue to hear nagging and whining for the rest of your life.


2. Divorce that emotionally charged train wreck so you can live in peace and silence.


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