How-To Save Money in Your Home: Use Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

Another important way of saving more of your hard earned money each and every month is by using energy efficient light bulbs. Three of the most popular energy efficient light bulbs on the markets currently include the likes of; Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs), Halogen Incandescent light bulbs, and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). For my home, I replaced all of our indoor home light fixtures’ outdated incandescent light bulbs with brand new energy efficient light bulbs. My favorite energy efficient light bulbs that I chose to use and installed indoors and outdoors of my home are the popular Halogen Incandescent light bulbs that can usually be found either at your local hardware store or even on popular online stores.

I even replaced all of our outdoor home light fixtures’ traditional flood lights with new energy efficient flood lights. Many of the newer energy efficient light bulbs such as the Halogen Incandescent light bulbs and outdoor flood lights on the market have nearly the same luminosity (brightness) compared to the not-so energy efficient light bulbs that were popular back in the day of the baby boomers of the 1950’s. Also, the new energy efficient light bulbs last just as long, or sometimes even longer than the outdated incandescent light bulbs that homes used to come with during their construction phase. And on an even brighter side, there has been a noticeable reduction in my electric bill on my monthly utility statement ever since I’ve switched out our older incandescent light bulbs to one of the three most popular energy efficient light bulbs that all homes should come with to begin with, the popular Halogen Incandescent light bulbs.

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