Pros and cons of having children
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Pros not found
Lack of quality sleep. Once you've made the mistake of having children with that lazy princess of yours it is time to say goodbye to...
Were you able to watch e3 this year?
E3 was aired live a little more than a month ago with big gameplay reveals such as Battlefield 2042, Halo Infinite, and Starfield. Since I live the single life...
Social networks safe?
Check out some of our members' comments
Gamrpro wrote;
I don't think so because they can steal your contacts which are called "Mutual Friends" or anything related to that without your...
36 reasons why money is the root of all happiness
Unlike what bearded guy #4 tells us, money really is the root of all happiness. The love of money makes one happy, wealthy, and respected beyond measure that only...
NATO Urges Russia To Withdraw Troops
Recently, Jens Stoltenberg, NATO's Secretary General, had urged Sergei Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister, to withdraw Russia's troops from Ukraine's borders. Putin's and Lavrov's Russian military is walking a thin...
Two Ancient Protection Dog Breeds Highlighted
Owning a dog can be a rewarding experience. Dogs are apart of ones family. They share with us, during our days of happiness as well as our days of...
You know you’re in a multi-level marketing cult when…
You're not creative enough to think of a business idea of your own.
You're not self employed.
You drive across the state to attend monthly cult gatherings.
You break your parent's furniture...
Complete, Unedited Video of Joint FBI and OSP Operation 01/26/2016
Complete, Unedited Video of Joint FBI and OSP Operation 01/26/2016
LaVoy Finicum
Federal Burea of Investigation
Oregon State Police
Oregon Standoff
Burns Oregon
Wildlife Refuge
Deceleration of Independence
Historic Militia Movement
Freedom Fighters
Oregon Malheur Refuge
Oppression Through Intimidation
Breaking News...
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Speculations
I hate making a new thread, but this is only about speculations about the game, while the one in the News section is for news and smaller discussions than...
Chess Tactics: Open with Knight or Pawn
When deciding which chess piece to open with will usually depend on who your opponent is, their skill level, your skill level, and whether or not you are playing...