As many of you are aware, the largest media outlet in the world Alphabet’s (Google) YouTube was briefly offline for up to several hours at around 10:00pm Eastern on 10/16/2018. Netflix and Instagram may have also been affected by this evening’s shutdown. YouTube wasn’t just offline; however, it was offline worldwide. Something that should not have happened to a company that size. During that time various other popular social media platforms such as FaceBook, Twitter, and Reddit became flooded with pertinent questions as to why and how something like this could have happened to an app of this size.

Here is a list of possibilities as to what may have caused the world’s largest worldwide media app to shutdown.

  • Cyber terrorists brought the site down.
  • To prepare for the revealing of JFK Jr and that he and his family are alive and well.
  • To remove as many truther videos as possible.
  • To remove as many flat earth videos as possible and to keep society dumbed down.
  • YouTube is planning for the massive new 5g rollout.
  • As a test to see how YouTube’s worldwide audience would react to such an event.
  • As a distraction to what is actually occurring elsewhere at the same time.
  • To distract people from what is occurring in the skies tonight.
  • To prepare for a worldwide financial market collapse.
  • Nasa’s lettuce experiments went haywire.
  • The techs at YouTube were performing maintenance on the servers.
  • The techs at YouTube were performing a backup that backfired.
  • The techs at YouTube were performing an update which caused damage to YouTube’s servers.
  • The techs at YouTube were performing a stress test on YouTube’s servers and the servers from a multi billion dollar company couldn’t handle the stress.
  • A shutdown with a political agenda.
  • Aliens

We may never know the real cause behind The Great YouTube Shutdown of 2018; however, what we can be sure of is that the horizon continues to rise to eye level until you reach NASA’s webpage.

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