How to Save Money fast: Stop Drinking Alcohol

Forget trying to save money on alcohol. You shouldn’t even be drinking alcohol in the first place. There is no reason to drink alcoholic beverages. None! Despite what your drunken friend beside you is whispering into your ear, drinking alcohol is not only unhealthy for your entire body, but is also a very expensive way of life. The life of a drunkard usually consists of a bottle of the most sparklest of wine and the nearest sidewalk. Instead of going out and purchasing a pack of expensive beer or wine, why not use that same money instead for something more practical and healthy for your body. Such as purchasing cereal and milk for your children or helping to pay to fill up your vehicle with gasoline, or to purchase some organic fruit at the local grocery store. I can list a number of things that could be better substituted for purchasing alcohol but would take up this entire article. You could even use the money that would be spent on alcohol for a case of water or a loaf or two of bread. By drinking alcohol you also run the risk of driving intoxicated which could spell disaster for other drivers as well as your driving record. It doesn’t matter how much alcohol you drink or what your blood alcohol content is…a drink of alcohol is a drink of alcohol. Would you want your children to follow in your footsteps as someone who has to submit to the temptation of alcohol? So stop drinking and start saving today!

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Disclosure: I am a stock market investor. I invest in the stock market for passive income and cash flow. Disclaimer: I am not a stock market professional. The information presented on is not financial advice. Always seek professional help when choosing to invest into the stock market. I am not a financial expert. The information presented on is not financial advice. Always seek professional help when seeking financial advice. I am not a health, nutrition, or fitness professional. The information presented on is not health, nutrition, or fitness advice. Always seek professional help with someone who is certified in health, nutrition, and fitness. I am not a legal expert. I am not a legal advisor. The information presented on is not legal advise. Always seek professional help with a certified legal expert. I am not a political expert. I am not a political advisor. The information presented on is not political advise. Always seek professional help with a certified political expert.