We’ve Been LIED to ALL of Our Lives

Ever since we were little children, we have been lied to. We start off by believing a simple little lie called “santa clause” by our very own parents! Then we are taught that some magical tooth fairy and easter bunny exist. And as adults we are cursed at when we tell a child that santa clause, the tooth fair, and the easter bunny don’t actually exist and that the child’s parents lied to them on purpose. We are cursed at for telling the truth! Then as we go through the corrupt education system we are taught that we live on a globe even though the curvature that should exist doesn’t! Then we are taught we must get an education and find an 8-5 job if we are to be “successful.” We are taught that we must save our money and invest and plan for our retirement. Then we retire and “live the good life” because that’s what everyone else does.

No one likes to talk about what happens next. Well, to put it plainly…We pass away.

We are taught to be distracted by the ridiculous worldly things that surround us daily…social media, mobile devices, iss live stream, striving for diplomas in various “studies,” gossiping facebook groups, news(North, East, West, South)…none of that matters and in fact, it is all a LIE!

We live in a messed up world filled with corrupt governments and deceivers. We are told that we must fund the governments by paying them with our hard earned money.

We’ve been lied to about The Earth Creation. There are reasons why the corrupt governments of this world keep the northern most regions and the southern most regions of Earth off limits and will even use deadly force to keep their secrets a secret. The governments of this world don’t want you to read the 66 books of the bible, or the numerous books that they left out of the bible on purpose. The books such as Enoch, Esdras, Thomas, Giants, Jubilees, Jasher, etc… These “lost books of the bible” describe in detail The Earth Creation that God created. I believe The Earth Creation is literally directly underneath the throne of God and right underneath of his feet. Just like he says in his word. Not in some far out ever expanding universe we are taught by the NassHoles and the NassHats.

Your government doesn’t care about you. Your government just wants you to work a steady 8-5 job your entire life so you can use your hard earned money and keep the government funded every tax season to keep lying to you, deceiving you, and keeping you distracted from your eternal life in only one of two places…

Heaven or Hell.

They have the sheeple of the world so indoctrinated, all they have to do is paint yellow and white lines on pavement and they will follow them.

We need to be asking questions that the powers that be don’t want to hear.

We need to be asking our politicians questions that they don’t want to hear.

We need to be asking our teachers questions that they don’t want to hear.

The last thing I do is just randomly believe what someone else says without first verifying it firsthand.

We are always taught from a specific angle of the teacher at school/college etc…

We’re not taught the whole truth.
We are taught to believe and to obey.

We are told that we are not a customer unless we pay and that we are not a citizen unless we obey.

We are taught a version of a belief that the teacher/presenter/government/city official etc…wants us to believe as fact without asking questions for verification.

These worldly lies are so messed up…and we believe them!

Discussion Topic: We’ve Been LIED to ALL of Our Lives