Adding a new Category using the WordPress software can be a little tricky for the first time WordPress administrative user. Below we will help guide you through the process that involves nothing more than access to the administrative control panel, also known as the Dashboard in your WordPress installation.

Lets begin…

Step 1. Sign in to your WordPress administrative Dashboard using your username and password.

Step 2. Locate the left menu pane in your WordPress administrator Dashboard.

Step 3. Locate the “Posts” option in the left menu pane in your WordPress administration Dashboard.

Step 4. Hover your cursor over the “Posts” button, or left click once on the “Posts” button.

Step 5. You will be presented with four options, (All Posts, Add New, Categories, Tags)

Step 6. Locate the “Categories” option.

Step 7. Left click once on the “Categories” button.

Step 8. A new page/area will load from within your WordPress admin control panel Dashboard.

Step 9. You will be presented with three text boxes and a drop down menu.

Step 10. Inside the “Name” text box is where you title/call/name your Category.

Step 11. Inside the “Slug” text box is where you title/call/name your URL-friendly version of the name of your Category.

Step 12. Inside the “Parent” drop down menu will be a list of all your Categories you previously created, unless this is your first Category creation, then the only option you should see here is “None.” You may select a previously created category to “nest” this newly created category within. Similar to a sub-category.

Step 13. Inside the “Description” text box is where you describe the Category. Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) keywords to help and better describe your newly created Category will make more easily the search engine keyword search for new prospective users of your website or blog.

Step 14. Double check everything. You may edit this options at anytime.

Step 15. Left click once on the “Add New Category” button.

That’s it!

Enjoy your newly created category and begin adding posts to populate the category content.

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