If you ever wanted a small a portable fan that you could take with you on vacation trips and camp outings, then look no further than the handy battery operated O2 Cool Portable Fan. My review unit came inclosed inside a well sealed box which took a good few seconds to get open. The battery operated O2 Cool Portable Fan briskly pulls and pushes air to help cool the surrounding air. I like the O2 Cool Portable Fan due to its relatively small and compact size, about the size as a small netbook or tablet computer. The O2 Cool Portable Fan is battery operated, powered by the use of 2D cell batteries, which were not included in my review unit. The O2 Cool Portable Fan can also be powered instead by an adapter which was sold separately. The O2 Cool Portable Fan has a foldable base that conveniently folds inward to create a thinner fan unit that you can then store in a safe place. The O2 Cool Portable Fans’ five inch fan blade is large enough to cool the surrounding air around me. I will continue to use the O2 Cool Portable Fan system in my home office so long as it continues to work, and I will also be purchasing the separate adapter so I don’t have to keep going through all my batteries.

Discussion Topic: Battery Operated O2 Cool Portable Fan Review

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