Every manager and supervisor should be conducting a team meeting at least once a week. These staff meetings need to cover awards that are given to employees who go above and beyond the basic job performance required for an adequate employee, along with company policy and guidelines that have been newly introduced or are being modified or even dropped completely. Team meetings need to start happy and end happy. These regular team meetings for a companies staff of employees including new recruits and seasoned veterans need to enjoy and not dread participate in team meetings. Team meetings could be mandatory, though if the employee does not show up for a scheduled team meeting , there should be no punishment, just a simply briefing of what occurred and was covered in the meeting would suffice. Each meeting should be given at least a weeks notice in addition to a days notice the day before the meeting is to take place. Each staff meeting should be communicated and announced via employee emails or business chat room software. Additional prior awareness should be posted on doors and on a bulletin wall that is in a high traffic hallway. If an employee did not know about a mandatory meeting, then the supervisor or manager failed to adequately provide an announcement to every company employee.

Any type of staff meeting that is required for all company employees need to have in attendance all employees, from the new recruit to the chief executive officer and other corporate directors and senior employees. Just because someone is a senior employee or holds an officer type of position in the company does not make them immune to mandatory team meetings. In fact, these corrupt corporate directors need to be the ones who hand out employee rewards during staff meetings. I mean, the least a corporate entity can do is actually interact with their fellow employees, the employees who pay the corporate entities’ six figure salary. Weekly meetings should not include calling out an employee and pointing out any mistakes they made since the last meeting, since that type of communication should be held personally in the supervisors or managers office. Earned awards and outstanding certificates should be handed out during team meetings though, so as to not only encourage the employee who received the award, but to also encourage the employees who did not receive any reward to try harder and go above and beyond the minimum basic job requirements. Team meetings need to be held both on site and off site. On site team meetings should be held in any break rooms that are in the office and off site staff meetings should be held in a nearby coffee or doughnut shop. If the team meeting is being held off site, then the managers and supervisors need to purchase either coffee, doughnuts, or any other type of food and drink items that are currently being sold inside that particular team meeting location.

Team meetings help to clarify any questions that employees have thought of since the last meeting that was held. This gives the managers and supervisors a chance to answer these questions that the employees might have and to remind them of any up coming corporate changes that would affect how business is conducted at the company. This also gives a chance for employees to express their concerns that need attending to regarding the overall operation and well being of the companies business. Things to consider if you are apart of the management, supervisory, or corporate directors positions in a company is to remember to give an announcement prior to a meeting being held, start and end a meeting on positive notes, and host both on site and off site meetings, while paying for employees who are participating in the staff meeting for food and drinks.

Discussion Topic: Why are Team Meetings Important?

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