What makes a particular combination of ancient texts a bible?

What makes a particular combination of ancient texts a bible? When you say "the bible" which "bible" are you referring to? For instance, we have the 66 book Catholic(Masonic) KJV,...

The U.S. Space Force is not what you think it is

The U.S. Space Force Contrary to what the political puppets preach during popularity speeches, the U.S. space force has been in existence for almost a century. The U.S. space force...

Who built the pyramids?

Check out some of our members' comments Saruman wrote; Who do you think built the pyramids? I will keep this open for awhile and then share my thoughts. FooFighter wrote; I vote for the...

Dream Catchers

fortedestroyer wrote; hey guys, i got an idea to share this from the paranormal activity thread. you guys know about dream catchers right, the things that they use to supposedly...

What is “Life” (physical vs informational)

Check out some of our members' comments Saruman wrote; What do you guys classify as being "alive" or having "a life" ? I was watching some gameplay footage of Oblivion the other...

Is outer space the creator’s soul? Quick Theory

Is outer space the creator's soul? Quick Theory One theory on what the universe could be is that it is the creator's soul (mind, will, and emotions). The fluid that is...

Is the End Near?

Check out some of our members' comments BarelyHangingOn wrote; What do you think about end of the world coming in December 2012? Is all of this apocalypse stuff for real or...

Celestial sky objects are personal

Celestial sky objects are personal Picture the following... Let's say you are in a field in the middle of the night with the full moon at a 45 degree angle in...

Do plants communicate with each other?

Do plants communicate with each other? I just witnessed the most bizarre thing. I was outside in a heavily wooded area trying to contemplate the meaning behind Shill Nye's deceptive lies...


NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, wants the public opinion about the new technology road map that has been revealed. NASA has been hard at work drafting their...

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