Did I discover the remains of the Tartarian Empire buried beneath the Earth? Or...

I want to share with you a dream I had on the night of February 16th, 2019. The dream didn't last long at all and was one of the shorter...

I saw a UFO spacecraft!

I used to believe in ufo's. I used to believe in a lot of things. That is until I saw an actual craft. Now I no longer have to...

Do you want to know what else we’ve been lied to about?

Everything you have ever been taught was a lie. Here is a rabbit hole that trumps all others. What I want you to do is to go to the...

We don’t know anything about the world we live in and I’ll prove it...

Often times I get asked if I could share with someone just one thing...just one observable phenomenon that no one on Earth can comprehend, what would it be? This particular...

An in depth study on mysterious disappearances and the missing time phenomena

A brief overview on the mysterious disappearances phenomena First and foremost if you haven't already checked out the research done by David Paulides and his Missing 411 books, lectures, and...

An in depth study on the true nature of the universe

We are well into a decade since theories on the shape of the earth began to push politics aside and dominate social media. And with no clear winner in...

An in depth study on the moon

The moon is only a moon because it is a satellite of the Earth. The moon is one of many moons of the Earth. The moon itself is only...

The riddle behind ancient super hero abilities

If the holey grail, spear of destiny, Moses' staff, and the ark of the covenant along with many other biblical archeological artifacts were not ancient alien relics using advanced...

Was Trump on a boat during his speech at “Walter Reed Hospital?”

I don't think he was. Nor do I think he was on Air Force One or in a submarine. This is my theory on where Trump was when he...

An in depth study on shooting stars

What are shooting stars? Contrary to what the calcifying effect of Nasa's lettuce experiments proclaim, shooting stars are not space dust burning up in the Earth's atmosphere. Now there are...

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An in depth study on Tartaria

What is Tartaria? Tartaria (originally pronounced "Tataria" without the first "r") is the name of the pre Mongolian empire that originated in northern Asia before...