A brief overview on the mysterious disappearances phenomena

First and foremost if you haven’t already checked out the research done by David Paulides and his Missing 411 books, lectures, and videos then I highly suggest that you take the time to get caught up to speed with all that he has done in the field of mysterious disappearances.

What is a mysterious disappearance you might say?

A mysterious disappearance is when someone goes missing under the most unusual of circumstances. They go missing when they shouldn’t have gone missing and if they are found they are found where the search and rescue teams have already searched.

Here are some examples of what could be considered a mysterious disappearance.

  • A hiker at the last of the line of a group of hikers suddenly disappears without a sound. A search and rescue team is called in and scours the area for any clues to the the hiker’s disappearance. Two weeks later a family is hiking and notices someone’s clothing folded neatly on top of a fallen tree. Come to find out, the clothing is from the hiker who disappeared and the location of where the clothing was found was already searched numerous times.
  • Two children are running around their country home chasing each other. Their mother yells out the kitchen window, “It’s dinner time! You two come inside now and eat!” The two children run through the front door and into the house. The first child runs into the kitchen while the one behind them never arrives. The child in the back has suddenly disappeared without a sound to be heard.

A brief overview on the missing time phenomena

Someone is said to have experienced missing time when they are unable to recall events within a particular span of time. They might also be unable to recall how they arrived at one location from their last previously known location in a certain amount of time.

Here are some examples of what could be considered missing time.

  • Someone is driving in their car on a route that they have taken numerous times with several familiar landmarks that they drive by. On one particular day they are driving and glance at a stadium just off the highway and then look at the road ahead of them. They glance at the stadium’s location again and notices that the stadium is several miles behind them. They look at the road ahead of them and notice that they are now driving past everything that was just moments ago several miles ahead of them.
  • A foreign exchange student just got finished with their last class and called for an Uber ride back to their college dorm. They hang up the phone with the Uber driver and begin to check their messages on Facebook while they wait. Just then they notice the Uber driver pull up along side them. The Uber driver rolls down their window and says something along the lines of “Sorry for taking so long. I’m normally never thirty minutes late like this. Traffic is terrible today.” The foreign exchange student just looks at the Uber driver with a perplexed expression. “What do you mean ‘thirty minutes late?’ I just hung up the phone with you not even a minute ago.”

A theory emerges

This is what I think is going on.

Since we now know through David Paulides’ research that a vast amount of people who go missing under mysterious circumstances are of German descent. While every single physicist who has gone missing under mysterious circumstances are also of German descent.

Think about it for a moment.

We have the typical laymen who disappears under mysterious circumstances being of German descent while also some of the most intelligent minds on the Earth go missing under similar mysterious circumstances while also being of German descent. What are the odds of that? That someone who has a German descent is more likely to go missing under mysterious circumstances than someone who does not have a German descent?

Are you ready for this? Time to put your secret space program made tin foil hats on.

I think the German breakaway civilization that left the Earth in the early twentieth century and extraterrestrials in general are the ones who are responsible for these mysterious disappearances. This includes the people who go missing in both national parks and in the city. I think only a small handful of these cases involve bigfoot and other cryptids while the vast majority of these cases involve alien abductions. Whether that be an abduction caused by officers of a secret space program such as the German breakaway civilization or by extraterrestrials. I theorize that the German breakaway civilization is responsible for the majority of people who go missing under mysterious circumstances who are of German descent while other secret space programs and extraterrestrials are responsible for abducting everyone else.

In addition to the German breakaway civilization and other breakaway civilizations from the Earth, I think there are also numerous extraterrestrial civilizations who all use similar yet different technologies when abducting the person and returning the person. I think there are different technologies that are being used during the extraction phase of the abduction process and different technologies that are being used during the return phase of the abduction process. One of those technologies I suspect is some sort of time manipulation technology. Since I speculate that there are an infinite amount of dimensions and an infinitely increasing amount of dimensions with their own reality and each dimension intersecting with each other that the human breakaway civilizations and the extraterrestrials doing the alien abductions try to return the person back to a similar reality that matches as close as possible to the reality in which they were taken from.

I theorize that the technology required must be so far advanced that the likelihood of returning a person back to their exact same dimension and exactly how they were and what they had with them prior to their alien abduction is improbable to the nth degree. Just as likely; however, the opposite could be true. That the technology responsible for the abduction process is an old technology and is so well known that most of the abductees are returned without them ever knowing that they were even taken aside from a slight deja vu sensation and with no memory of that missing time would be the missing time cases while all the other abductees would be the mysterious disappearance cases.

Types of alien abductions

Some abductees may recall how they were used as an officer recruit in a secret space program for several years while other abductees may only remember of being operated on in a lab for a few hours and then returned.

On the flip side some abductees may only remember being at one location and then all of a sudden being in another location without any memory of how they got there during a specific amount of time.

The majority of the mysterious disappearance cases and missing time phenomena are alien abductions. Not just the alien abductions in which the abductee remembers being surrounded by several pleiadians and reptilians while being operated on in a lab. Most abductees who have had an alien abduction don’t remember anything. The only thing they do remember is a period of missing time that they cannot rationally explain.

Memory wiping

I also theorize that memory wiping during the abduction process could be when the abductee is taken aboard the craft which itself is in a containment field outside of the space and time that the abductee was extracted from. Memory wiping could also be a natural by product whenever our consciousness is removed from our body for a certain duration of time such as during reincarnation and how soon our consciousness is “born again” into a new body and the rare likelihood that the person remembers their past lives. How quickly a consciousness is born again will determine the likelihood of that person remembering their past lives. The longer a consciousness is out of a body the more improbable the person is to remember their past lives when the consciousness gets born again. Memory wiping may even occur when our brain waves operate at a specific frequency for a certain duration of time our memory just gets naturally erased. Memory wiping could also be the result of administrative products given to the abductee during the abduction process.

So when we hear about these mysterious disappearance cases where some people are found without a limb, with their clothing, without their clothing, their clothing is folded neatly nearby weeks after the person’s disappearance, their clothing is found dropped straight to the ground on top of each other as if the person was dematerialized, etc… I think all of these cases are due to different extraterrestrial civilizations and different breakaway civilizations and their secret space programs all using varying yet similar technologies during the extraction and return processes of an alien abduction. Some of these technologies being more advanced than others work better than others for abductions.

One of David Paulides’ cases in particular involved someone who mysteriously disappeared and was never found; however, people heard the person’s distressed voice calling for help in the area where the person vanished. Even while hearing the voice the people couldn’t locate the person’s actual body that was calling for help. My take on that is the same as my theory above. This particular person who disappeared was extracted in the form of an alien abduction and the abductors attempted to return the person back to the same dimension as they took the person; however, the technology to return a person back to the exact same dimension is so highly improbable that the closest they could get to returning this particular person was a dimension that was highly similar to ours though not a complete match and the best the abductors could do was to return the person’s consciousness to this dimension while the person’s body ended up being returned to a similar yet totally different dimension.

And since the person’s body was returned to a totally separate dimension than their consciousness, their body would have appeared to have passed away under mysterious circumstances. Where in reality their consciousness and body were separated during the return phase of the abduction process and never returned together to the same dimension but were rather returned in two separate dimensions.  Only the person’s consciousness was managed to be returned to the same dimension as the one they were extracted from while their actual body was returned to a dimension similar yet different than the dimension that they were extracted from. Now if that person’s body was able to be returned to the same dimension in which they were extracted from then they would of had a typical missing time experience with their memory wiped of what happened during that span of missing time.

Unexpected unusual weather patterns

As far as storms appearing suddenly during these mysterious disappearance events, I theorize there may be several factors at play here.

  1. That the storms are a form of advanced technology used by the person’s abductors to hide the abductor’s tracks and wash away as much evidence as possible including chemical and biological evidence.
  2. Various weather abnormalities caused by the abductor’s craft’s technology. For example, one of the bi-products of the TR3-B’s electromagnetic field disruptors is atmospheric destabilization.

Unexpected sudden silence

I now want to discuss unexpected sudden silence that some people encounter and how this particular phenomena correlates with the missing time phenomena.

Imagine for a moment that you are on a hike in the middle of the woods. You hear the wind howling through the trees, birds chirping up above, squirrels rustling through leaves digging up dirt for acorns, and the occasional elk bugle. Then suddenly everything goes silent. The wind suddenly comes to a standstill, the birds have seemingly gone quite, the evidencial sound of the squirrels have vanished, and the elk herd is now nowhere to be heard.

There are to most likely theories as to the cause of this unexpected sudden silence.

  1. The experiencer is within the vicinity of a craft’s eletromagnetic containment field.
  2. The experiencer is near the location of a bigfoot or other cryptid. We’ll just use bigfoot for the sake of simplicity.

I have a theory that bigfoot and their dna are so in tuned to their environment that they are able to activate their pineal gland at will. I theorize that an activated pineal gland creates an electromagnetic containment field surrounding the pineal gland and the being associated with it. The more developed and activated the pineal gland becomes, the stronger and more intense the electromagnetic containment field it creates. The being or creature of the activated pineal gland is living and breathing within it’s own electromagnetic containment field which I theorize could cause the creature to have an increased lifespan.

The more activated a pineal gland becomes, the slower that time moves for the creature and hence the creature lives an increased lifespan.  Which could be why previous giant civilizations including the mountain humans lived such long lifespans, thousands of years old and older. The electromagnetic containment field created by their activated pineal glands was so strong that time slowed down so much for them that they were able to live for many thousands of years even though it only seemed for a century or so to them. You can liken this particular phenomena to if someone approached the event horizon of a black hole. As the person approached the black hole time would slow down and appear to come to a standstill. Everything would seem normal to them; however, since time is relative they would never know it.

In the majority of these cases of mysterious disappearances and missing time we are dealing with a form of advanced technology. Bigfoot and other cryptids are only responsible for a small handful of these cases while extraterrestrials including the German breakaway civilization and other breakaway civilizations from the Earth are responsible for the vast majority of them. The truth is literally out of this world.

When researching mysterious disappearances and the missing time phenomena we need to remind ourselves that for the most part we are not dealing with anything mystic but rather with an advanced though not yet perfected technology known throughout the universe.