This is what sets me a part from the social justice warriors who claim...
Many times when discussing alternate ideas to fluoride abusers you will trigger their cognitive dissonance as they attempt to shun the possibility that what they have been told their...
Flat Earth Evidence – The International Space Station is FAKE
Flat Earth Evidence
The International Space Station is FAKE
The International Space Station has been a popular taboo subject to talk about ever since the Flat Earth awakening movement begun to...
Six scientific experiments every Flat Earther should be doing
Six scientific experiments every Flat Earther should be doing
After you have come to the realization that...
- The horizon always rises to your eye level the higher up in altitude...
We don’t know anything about the world we live in and I’ll prove it...
Often times I get asked if I could share with someone just one thing...just one observable phenomenon that no one on Earth can comprehend, what would it be?
This particular...
An in depth study on mysterious disappearances and the missing time phenomena
A brief overview on the mysterious disappearances phenomena
First and foremost if you haven't already checked out the research done by David Paulides and his Missing 411 books, lectures, and...
The Moon’s terminator line contradicts the Copernican Theory
The Moon's terminator line contradicts the Copernican Theory
According to Heliocentric Cosmology, the lunar terminator is the boundary dividing the sunlit portion of the moon and the unlit portion of...
Sunlight and daylight are two different lights
Sunlight and daylight are two different lights
As the sun circles above our flat plane, its electromagnetic nature charges the air within its magnetic field influence. This influence that the...
An in depth study on the true nature of the universe
We are well into a decade since theories on the shape of the earth began to push politics aside and dominate social media. And with no clear winner in...
An in depth study on the moon
The moon is only a moon because it is a satellite of the Earth. The moon is one of many moons of the Earth. The moon itself is only...
Was Trump on a boat during his speech at “Walter Reed Hospital?”
I don't think he was. Nor do I think he was on Air Force One or in a submarine. This is my theory on where Trump was when he...