You know you’re a teenager when…

You're mad. The world revolves around you. You're in a hurry. You're cool. You're entitled. You know everything. You live with your parents. You're tired. You're rude. You're...

Desura Evolution – Introduction

What is Desura? Well, what is Steam for that matter? It's nearly the same. App market, community, browser, network...what else could you want? It's the same idea as Steam,...

Reasons I Like Pizza

I love pizza, and I always try and make it a daily food source. Some pizza's though just taste to good to not taste again and again. Some pizza...

When to use Cheat Codes in Video Games

When to use Cheat Codes in Video Games Sometimes video game players just need to activate a particular cheat code to help them either clear a particular level or replenish...

You know you’re a social justice warrior when…

You know everything. You affiliate yourself with a group of attention seeking unemployed school dropouts. You brush with fluoride toothpaste. You believe everything mainstream media tells you. You...

How to make money as a male author

Step 1. Get single Men, if you are an aspiring author who is struggling to make sales from your books or simply want to boost sales to your books then...

Two Ancient Protection Dog Breeds Highlighted

Owning a dog can be a rewarding experience. Dogs are apart of ones family. They share with us, during our days of happiness as well as our days of...

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